Let the countdown begin... Only a few more days until San Diego Comic-Con madness begins!

I'm assuming that everyone going already has their passes and lodging already figured out, right? Evan and I will be driving down from San Francisco on Thursday, and attending SDCC 08 from Friday to Sunday. We're cheap and forgot to plan ahead, so we're staying north of SD in Escondido, CA (at least for the first night).
I'm supremely geeked to hang out and drink booze (and sing karaoke?) with a rad contingency of Bay Area and LA friends, and embarass myself in front of assorted cartoonist legends and famous folks (Jim Woodring! Simon Pegg & Jessica Hynes (Stevenson)!! Mindy fucking Kaling!?). I'm bringing the autograph book again, and on the prowl for sketches.
But most importantly, Comic-Con marks the debut of TOKYO ZOMBIE by YUSAKU HANAKUMA!

I strongly, strongly encourage you all to come by the Last Gasp booth (#1614) and pick up a copy of the manga! To sweeten the deal(?), Evan and I will be working the Last Gasp booth on Friday from 2pm - 7pm and would love to meet as many of you guys as possible. Please stop by and hang out, and check out the book in person! Anyone gonna be in town?

For everyone that won't make it out to SDCC, I'm happy to announce that the Tokyo Zombie shipment has landed, and you can now purchase Tokyo Zombie directly from Last Gasp's site or from Amazon. YES! I'm dying to hear what you think of it![UPDATE]: Here is the Last Gasp booth books and appearances:New books you probably won't find anywhere else:Sweet Wishes - the new book by Mark Ryden
Tokyo Zombie - horror/comedy martial arts zombie manga
Museum of Love and Mystery - the new book by Jim Woodring
Signing Schedule, featuring...Emmy-award-winner GARY BASEMAN
Eisner-award-winner CRAIG YOE
the infamous RON ENGLISH
and photographer extraordinaire CARLOS BATTS
Thursday1:30pm – 2:30pm - Craig Yoe signing Clean Cartoonists’ Dirty Drawings
Friday12 – 1pm - Carlos Batts signing posters and DVDs for Kiss Attack
2pm – 3pm - Ron English signing his new book Abject Expressionism
3pm – 4pm - Gary Baseman signing his new book Dying of Thirst
Saturday12-1pm - Carlos Batts signing posters and DVDs for Kiss Attack
1:30pm – 2:30pm - Craig Yoe signing Clean Cartoonists’ Dirty Drawings