An update to the Daily Manga section of Shintago Kago's website came faster than I expected. Here is the new batch of seven, with my quick English translations (and a Umezu allusion)! This week's revolve around the Kannon (sometimes called Kwannon), the popular Japanese incarnation of the thousand-armed bodhisattva of mercy.
Updated: SAME HAT stopped updating in 2013! For all new projects, please see Youth in Decline's sit and Instagram.
All fan translations of manga that you'll see in the archives are previously untranslated into English and range from comedy to horror to avant-absurd weirdness.
Same Hat is written & edited by Ryan. If you would like to contact me, please email: samehat @ Also, you can Ask me anything on the Same Hat Tumblr!
you spelled bodhisattva wrong, doggle.
lol loved all them :D
@haha, nice.
dude wtf-- my spell check changed it to bhoddisattva? FIXED
@Okada: glad to share the wealth. I like these because they're fast to post and don't require any scanlation or copyright ambiguities
great stuff. I lol'ed a lot. thank you very much!
@a tree: they are rad. I'll keep putting them up as he posts them :)
wow i can't believe how hilarious they all were. i dont think i've ever laughed that hard at that many one-panel comics...
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