Somehow I'd missed this manga's release, but it turns out it is a real thing that actually exists!

There book is called 伊藤潤二の猫日記 よん&むー ("Junji Ito's Cat Diaries: Yon & Muu"), and here is the listing on It looks like the book is about 116 pages and pretty cheap, a one-off collection published by Kodansha.
I dug around the internets and found some panels to share. Enjoy!

There's more about Junji Ito's cat insanity here on this Japanese blog about cats and this other blog by a Junji Ito fan.
And in case you've forgotten who we are dealing with, hear is a wonderfully eerie (and oddly romantic) photograph of Junji Ito:

[As a final piece of Junji Ito miscellany, here is some Ito ASCII art I found on a Japanese message board!]

UPDATE!: Lovely readers of the Same Hat Tumblr have alerted me to the fact that a Yon & Muu scanlation does exist (and was posted recently). If you feel so include you can check it out at MANGA READER and MANGAFOX.
Wow, it's been a while since the last time I posted here hehe :)
Well, I just want to share that Junji Ito's Black Paradox is also been translated.
There also a short compilation, of more of Ito's stuff scanlated here
Just read it. It's pretty cat
@Okada: Thanks for all the great links! And welcome back, buddy. Happy to restart the blog properly!
@Anonymous: You're pretty cat
thanks for all the ito links!!
Is there an online translation for matsumoto`s number 5?
At first you think that it will be a cute cat story but then it gets UTTERLY CREEPY. Creepier than many other Ito things. The cats are so unsettling!
ha! i bought this in JP last year, and have been bugging Vertical to license it. it's basically the anti-Chi's Sweet Home. ;-)
Can I trnslate it into Vietnamese for my group at
Thank you!
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