We just finished another story for you Maruo fans out there... "The Gold Notebook". As with Maruo's work in general, it's perhaps best reserved for mature audiences, but this is the most extreme one we've posted yet, so I figured I'd warn the squeamish. Anyway, enjoy!

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as usual, please read from right-to-left.
For previous Maruo stories, click here & here
Wow! Thank you so much for your effort. It must have been quite a chore fitting in the translations and retouching the scenes (esp. the rape-murder scene on p.3).
As usual, daring, visceral art from Maruo. Just a little quibble about the ending though -- it reducess the story to a morality play. I prefer something unremittingly evil.
Hey there! Nate showed me this here new site of yours. Good job translating and retouching all that stuff guys!
As usual, Maruo does not dissappoint. When will we get some Shintaro Kago or Kazuichi Hanawa? I wanna see you guys push the limits! Mwahahahahar!
Bring us more Maruo! He is a master!
As for the ending. Well, I think the boy must die for it to be a true Maruo... look at the way the uncle hunched over the boy's back before the poison took him -- the uncle could have fallen over, crushed the boy beneath him; and the boy's jugular could have been slit by a piece of glass, while another piece gorging his eye out ... now that's Maruo!
misanthrope: Thanks for the kind words! evan did a bang-up job on the touchup this time around-- thanks go to his steady hands, sharp eye and the new Waycom tablet!
ben: ben! nice to hear that you've made your way to the site. your praise means a lot, since i know you read tons of deep cuts on the manga scene. the next big thing we've got coming is a junji ito story, but i'm working on getting ahold of shintaro kago's "喜劇駅前虐殺" and doing some stories from there! awesome that you like the site!!
derek: glad you dug the work. we have some really really hi-res scans of the pages (in case we ever make another booklet) that look totally beautiful-- gotta love Maruo's detailed gore!
judge ito!!! hahaha, i was trying to PLACE who homeboy looked like!
dave m: thanks for the comment! you'll be happy to hear that i've completed a 30 page Maruo translation last month, and we'll be releasing it in bits & pieces soon, we hope.!
Looking forward to the Junji Ito story. Probably the best mainstream horror artist in Japan.
Lemme know if you need some material from 喜劇駅前虐殺. I can scan some if you want.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Ryan! this is Hellen, Derek's mage apprentice. I've been reading samehat for a couple weeks but I didn't realize you were THE Ryan. cool dude
I used to sneak a peek at Ultra Gash Inferno in the main stacks of the school library because I was too embarrassed to check it out, but thanks to you, now I can read suehiro maruo's comics from the comfort and privacy of my home! awesome!
worlds collide! hey HELLEN! whoa, i didn't know you were reading our shit too! i'm honored dude. i just saw the party time video finally, via derek's site! awesome awesome awesome. i remember meeting you at APE in 2004... good times! hopefully, me you evan & derek can talk comics here, at derekyu.com, your site and dirty.org/~bug (evan's site).
nice to have you!
Re the complaints about the ending not being "real Maruo": iirc, Maruo did not write this story.
I just discovered this site, but from what I've looked at so far, it looks like you're performing a great service.
hey adam. thanks for checking out the site! Actually, the "by Jiro Koga" is actually within the story--- the first page of the comic is the first page of the book the boy is reading, so "Jiro Koga" is actually the name of the murderous uncle!! breaking down the fourth wall, ya'll
hope that clears up the story. please keep coming back to check for new comics!
True, but that's not what I was referring to. Somewhere in Maruojigoku, the Japanese collection in which I originally read this, there are credits for the story which list Maruo as the artist but someone else as the writer. That's my recollection, anyway. (I no longer have access to the book, unfortunately, so I can't check.)
ah, i see i see. That's interesting! We took it from a different collection, but unforntunately mine is in pieces (we unbound the entire book to scan and work on them) and I can't check into who was the writer.
thanks for the information! nice to have maruo junkies checking out our page!
it's gashleycrumb tinies maruo-style!
keep up the excellent work you two, this place is a constant delight <3
ooooh, a gorey parallel! nice.
thanks for the compliment-- we're glad you're enjoying the site!
Thanks for posting these. A friend and fellow afficiando sent me here and I'm glad she did. This mangaka's style is impressive beyond words. And thanks again for posting.
Does anyone know where or how to buy ORIGINAL art by Maruo?
Gosh, this was awesome ^^ I love Maruo ♥
If you need the battery,you can visit here.
Hey, great job guys. I'm happy to see someone is translating Maruo's work. What's the 30-pager you've just finished? Man I hope it's "Planet of the Jap," I would kill to get my hands on an English translation of that. We're studying it in one of my classes, buy I can't read Japanese, so I know I'm missing out.
Hey dude! This is actually from 3 years back, and the 30 pager we posted next was Poison Strawberry. You should be able to find it easily by searching or go to samehat.com
Lucky you, PLANET OF THE JAP is available in English! It was included in the collection book,
Awesome. Now I just need to find a translated copy of ON WAR.
Thanks a lot!
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