We're just taking some time to catch up on other things and congratulate ourselves on finishing 'The Gold Notebook.' I went to visit my mom for Mother's Day last weekend, and translated about 8 pages on the plane of a Junji Ito story called, "落下" (Maybe we'll call it "Falling"?). I'm making time on Friday to have my collection of Ito stories and book 1 of Kazuo Umezu's "Baptism" unbound for scanning.
In the meantime, here's an awesome, awesome japanese site with an index of every Maruo book published in Japanese.
May be hard to navigate since none of it's in English, but the covers are radical.
Also, this site has a list of
album art he's done. The strangest thing on the site just might be the book, "How to Take a Japanese Bath" that Maruo illustrated way back when.
Also, (on a semi-related string) please check out our friend GEA's amazing galleries of paintings and doodles. She's on the verge of a major site overhaul, but you can check out her past work-- a MUST for fans of Maruo (what the hell, is this turning into a Maruo fansite or something?) and Trevor Brown. We are both completely impressed with her work and can't wait to see the new site!
another Yoshida Sensha coming soon!
Guess who bought "How to take a japanese bath" a couple of years ago, when it popped up after a search for "Suehiro Maruo" on amazon. ^_^
It was really quite shocking to see him do something so, so... tame.
There's actually another book by the same author called "How to rake leaves" (I'm serious) about Zen leaf-raking techniques or some crap, with illustrations by Maruo, although I haven't been able to track it down yet and it's not listed on the Maruo Mania site either.
hahaha-- gotta love (and by love, i mean HATE) those stupid orientalist "How to" books. Maruo must have needed some monnnney.
whoa, seriously? we'd love to put it on our site!! Also, me & my lady friend are trying to get going with some horror comics and are having evan illustrate the first few. would you be interested in doing one with us eventually?!
re: how to rake leaves, you might be able to order it from span art gallery
hey michelle,
thanks for the link! that's a great resource for importing books. We usually hit up the kinokuniya here in SF, but there's definitely some titles that we'll have to special order!
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