Wednesday, November 09, 2005


We're not dead--- just taking a brief break from scanlations to finish up our original, full-color 16-page comic! Evan tells me we should have it completed later this week. radical.

We'll be putting it online in its entirety for a while, and them making copies available for sale (just charge enough $ to cover printing/postage) if anyone wants one!
(do you??)

After this comic, what would you Same Hat junkies want to see us put up next? We have a few things in mind, so please--- cast your vote by leaving a comment:
  • 1. A 20-page Junji Ito horror story about unexplainable suicides?
  • 2. More BODY HUMOUR Koji Aihara gag strips?
  • 3. A bunch of 16 panel comedy gold by Yoshida Sensha?
  • 4. A first installment of a Kazuo Umezu horror series?
  • 5. Another Suehiro Maruo short?
  • 6. Dig up something by Shintaro Kago?

Tell us what you want to see, and PLEASE KEEP CHECKING BACK!


Anonymous said...

In order of priority:

1. Junji Ito
2. Suehiro Maruo
3. Shintaro Kago

Keep up the good work. :3

Anonymous said...

Kazuo Umezu! Kazuo Umezuuuuu!

Elementale said...

Absolutely Maruooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

!'d go with Junji Ito. Haven't seen too much from him in a while.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I say

1. Shintaro Kago (I have seen very little of his stuff but that little looked really good)
2. Junji Ito
3. Suehiro Maruo

actually No. 1 would be for you guys to finish YOUR comic right now and post it. Evan gave me a kind of synopsis of what it's about, and I cannot wait to read it!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kazuo Umezu ftw.

Anonymous said...

Junji Ito!

I love his art and I'd like to see a longer coherent-ish narrative comic on Samehat, which Maruo - bless his blackened, maggoty, bondage-lovin heart - isn't too great at.

Also you should throw in some poopy Koji Aihara gag strips in the meantime. That way you'll get a hundred visitors from Google search result: SEX POOP GRANDPA JOKE. The glorrrrrrry!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shintaro Kago would be great.. wasn't able to find anything of his work in english..

Anonymous said...

pretty pretty please with an eyeball on top more Suehiro Maruo!

Anonymous said...

Kazuo Umezu!

Or start doing Drifting Classroom where Omanga left off! :o

Anonymous said...

I`ll send you a whole book of Kago if you promise to translate it. It`s the one with the super-dramatic cover of the boy wearing a green dress and a medical eye-patch on and the border`s all red.

email me if you want it.

Anonymous said...

duh obviously you need my email.

Anonymous said...

Ito or Kago, definitely.

Ryan said...


thanks for all the response everyone! We're going to figure out what's upcoming in the next few days and make a post. In the meantime, enjoy THE BIBLE!


ps-- GREG! Thanks for the awesome offer, we'd LOVE to take you up on it! I'll email you soon about it :)

zack soto said...

Junji Ito Junji Ito Junji Ito Junji Ito

Anonymous said...

give me junji ito!

Anonymous said...

1. Junji Ito
2. Suehiro Maruo
3. Shintaro Kago

Anonymous said...


Drifting Classroom!!!!!!!!!!

I'll even teach it if you do!!!!!!

Ryan, sorry I didn't call you back yet. Was gone for a week-long fall break, and then it's been hella busy. Your voice was nice to hear though!!

Anonymous said...

since dark horse doesn't look like it is going to continue it's translation of junji ito's work I'd love to see his short stories that have never been published in the U.S..