Once again, a month passed without an update (shit!). But this time, we have a good excuse!
I (Ryan) just returned from a 2 week work trip to Europe. I spent a week in Dublin, a few days in Berlin, and the rest of the time at the Frankfurt Book Fair (FBF) working my company's booth. FBF is the world's biggest book fair, and publishers from everywhere come to make book deals, sell foreign rights and shill their lastest releases.
During the trip, and especially during my down time walking the floor of FBF, I came across a whole slew of crazy, surprising and awesome comics shit. I'll be putting up all this random stuff (and lots of pics and movies) in a series of posts over the next week. They will include (dun dun DUN):
1. Things we recognize, but this time in GERMAN!
2. Dark Horse and non-crumbling Museums of Terror
3. A preponderance of Maruo
4. Jeff Smith and his Bone in deutsch
5. German gem, Insekt by Sascha Hommer
6. "Judith Park is the most famous manga-ka in Germany"
7. German cosplay and the international power of shojo
Look for the first post at the beginning of this week!
Oh man, my mom always buy those cat tongues for me. So yummy! I bet you didn't realize they are real cat either. ;)
Dude, you should have stolen away from the book fair and visited me in Munich. Yup, yup. ^^
hey friend!
the katzenlinger was so delicious! I wish I could have spent more quality time in Germany-- I definitely would have made it down to see you. That week was the infamous Oktoberfest, right? I am gonna post a ton of pics and thoughts on Europe (but mostly Germany) and comics-- tell me if I get stuff all wrong, or if you've seen the same things too!
Next time I get there (I really want to go back to Berlin) we'll meet up for sure!
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