Meanwhile, let me present another outstanding scanlation from the one-man Italian powerhouse, Anonymous K. We've been emailing over the past few weeks, and he's given us permission to post more of his Shintaro Kago scanlations. To note, he did all the scanning/translation/editing on these, and we're simply sharing the wealth.
Like ABSTRACTION, Kago gives us more formalist musings and sex comedy in BLOW-UP. Be warned, right under the surface is another mindfuck grenade waiting to blow up in your face. As with before, it's not singularly graphic, but nudity/sexual imagery permeates throughout and make this very NSFW.
This is another you just have to see to believe. Enjoy, and leave feedback/praise for Anonymous K in the comments!
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This story is amazing - might be my favorite Kago story yet. Thanks for posting it!
wow. ridiculous and awesome.
Love it.
Does he still draw for porn mags does anyone know ?
nice, tho it has been posted before....months ago at gurochan/deadfrog.
some fresh un/translated kaga up at deadfrog:
This is great. Amazing look into detail.
I didn't like this as much as Abstraction, but still, awesome stuff! Cheers for sharing once again :)
Thanks Johnny :) The concept and experiment is awesome, and I really dig pgs 6-7 (and the las page, naturally!)
@clint: seriously. I wish we had thought to scanlate this and could claim responsibility for it :)
@jenn: you mean, standing around naked ranting existential questions and the granular nature of the world doesn't get YOU hot & bothered too?
ps: the captcha for adding this comment was ibone. no lie!
@anonymous: I actually have no idea about Kago's current work... if anyone knows, leave a comment here!
substrom: Thanks for the link! The scanlator contacted us directly, so we're sharing it here. I have a feeling that a lot of readers might not dare venture to gurochan (myself included, mostly), so it's good to try and share the love more widely.
@khursten: I definitely like the detail. Isn't it INSANE that the scanlator managed to translate all of those panels as well? Amazing work, it is.
@brendan: I hear you on this one vis-a-vis Abstraction (can you actually top that one?), but I'm glad you liked it.
We have ONE MORE (it's as amazing as Abstraction) from Anonymous K to share at the beginning of next week.
Hope you dig it :)
Glad to see you finally came round to Kago. He's great, when he wants to be. :)
Man, Kago is completely bonkers. Even seeing what he was about to do coming, it's still pretty mind-boggling.
@ben: I give you props as the first Kago emissionary to convert this here native. When I can pick and choose (pick the wall-breaking/existentialist experimental stuff, leave the rape-y, CHECK-OUT-HOW-SICK-JAPAN-IS guro shockers) his stuff is definitely manga to respect and admire. PS: I'm gonna be in Frankfurt for a week in early October. Will you be remotely in the "neighborhood" to hang out?
@joseph: yeah. i felt the same way. taking the time to look closely at those big scans and seeing the insanity within (pgs 8-10!) really shows that when he puts his mind to it, the proof is in the pudding
"I'm gonna be in Frankfurt for a week in early October. Will you be remotely in the "neighborhood" to hang out?"
If you are going to be there, then yes, definitely! :D
I want to give Caterpillar props for scanning the manga. It's thanks to him if i can publish more kago stuff.
HAHAHAHA!!! that's the most hilarious yet amazing thing i've read in a while. i mean, the graphics are whoa, and the storyline was too damn funny! especially since i had two classmates who used to argue with my chemistry teacher or quarks being the tiniest unit of anything. BAHAHAHHA!!! TOO DAMN FUNNY!!
The whole manga was fun but some special mentions:
1. That space invaders bit was awesome
2. And the eyes side story was great (especially the end)
Thanks for hosting and thanks, Anonymous K, for the scanlation :D
So confused, yet so amazed.
So maybe God made the Universe because he wanted a videogame to play it.
Thanks for all these great posts on Kago!
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