Ordering instructions are available via the page listed above, along with many more original drawings still available on his site. I actually got a second original by Kago this past week, so my art coffer is all tapped out :)
I emailed with Kago again this week, and he let me know that you can buy copies of a few of his manga directly from him as well. The following titles are available (+ shipping). Simply send a list of what you want to his email and he'll give you an estimate of cost. I've found he gets stuff in the mail within a day or two once you Paypal the money.

アリ地獄vsバラバラ少女 - Arizigoku vs Barabarasyoujo 1,260JPY

おばあちゃんが死体くさいよ - Obaachan ga shitai kusaiyo 1,260JPY

飛び出す妄想 - Tobidasu Mousou 1,565JPY
Happy holidays! I'm heading to the Midwest to visit family starting tomorrow. Will try to write a few posts on the plane(s) and get them up before Christmas. Hope all of you guys are doing really well and have relaxing breaks ahead of you!
god damn i wish i had a job so i could afford these things
I got mine on Monday. It's awesome. I want to buy more, but I'll have to see how I do in the cash department after I get this month's pay.
Some delicious pictures:
just got page 10.
I`ll post a pic when I get it. Thanks for posting this, that`s how I found out about it!
@Scotty: The good news is that Kago seems to keep adding new stuff all the time. in the future, my friend!
@Dembol: Dude, that's a nice looking piece of work right there. congrats
@Look Kah: Good choice, that's the one I would have gone for too. I'm excited for you :)
Mine just came in the mail yesterday. I LOVE IT :D I'll link you to a picture soon
Do you or does anyone by chance know how to get those Shintaro Kago postcards that I think was mentioned on SAME HAT! a while back? I did a search on the blog and I couldn't find a post about it, but I remember hearing about them and seeing them on Kago's website. Now that I finally have money, I want them.. especially the one this is based on: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~adc52520/tuuhan/Kantuu.jpg
since I use the picture for like all of my online avatars..
I'd buy the original..but I feel like i'm spending wayy too much, and I figure the postcards are cheaper and in color if i remember correctly..
sorry for the long comment, but does anyone have an idea?
@Jaclyn! Congrats congrats :)
Oh yeah, those postcards are awesome! I got mine from Nate (Waseda Ramen) who brought some back from TACO CHE in tokyo. I have some still, but gave most away to readers. Unfortunately, I don't have that specific one anymore...
That said, I bet if Kago has any he would sell them directly via Mail Order. I would just email him and ask him! That was how I got the information about him selling his actual manga via overseas airmal... I dont see the Postcard sets listed anymore: http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~adc52520/new/omocha-2.htm
But he might have some...
Or, maybe a Same Hat reader in Tokyo would be willing to grab you a postcard set from Taco Che??
yeah i'm thinking of asking for the money for christmas so i could buy one but i'm not sure yet
are there any translations to enlish published?
i have all his manga in english but only as jpg, and i want to have them on paper!
i just started learning hiragana and it will take sometime until i get to read them lol
@inkynebula: unfortunately nothing officially published in English (except his story Punctures, in the Viz anthology, Secret Comics Japan). At least, that's the case for now.
http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~adc52520/tuuhan/fukuseioversea.html - now also color reproductions of his works are available. At rather fair prices too.
I just bought the first and sixth page of Abstraction as a Christmas present to myself.
pictures of what i received are up on my blog:
and after seeing that colored reproductions of his work are available (AND POSTCARDS!) I bought two sets of postcards and one set of the A4-size prints :D, mostly because they're awesome and inexpensive.
I asked Kago to sign these. I should've asked him to sign the orignal art I got, too. drat.
@dembol: very cool! My buddy nate got a print from him at design festa last fall... so cool that he's making them (and those postcard sets) so widely available!
@ben: wow dude, that's a hell of a present. Congrats!
@jaclyn: just left a comment onf your blog. Your original looks great :) Kago seems really happy to please his overseas fans... isn't it cool to have direct access to him?
are the postcards hand drawn as well or are those printed?
@scotty: the postcards are nicely printed cards, not hand-drawn :)
well i'm ordering them regardless haha
just wanted to say a big thanks for continually putting on an awesome blog, seriously. opened my eyes to the work of umezz and i'm reading 14, and loved pretty much all his stuff... wanted to give thanks and wish you happy holidays, and all the best! we need more blogs, and more writers dedicated to the awesome subculture that is strange anime/manga oddities that are great sources of entertainment.
Timeless has originals too:
@Alex: Aw dude, thanks so much! I love doing Same Hat for the opportunity to talk about cool stuff with you guys, have a feeling of community and share links and finds. Thank YOU for reading and commenting and helping make this an engaging and weird little place on the internet just for folks like us :)
@anonymous: That's weird, those are both pieces that were sold direct from Shintaro Kago via his site. I wonder why you'd buy from them when you could have just bought them from Kago himself?
"@anonymous: That's weird, those are both pieces that were sold direct from Shintaro Kago via his site. I wonder why you'd buy from them when you could have just bought them from Kago himself?
For me is not weird,
mailorders like Timeless Shop can buy limited editions like books, original arts,... to sell later, for me is normal, i see it frecuently.
But i know that is better sometimes buy those items directly from the artists, perhaps is less expensive.
I have comics of Shintaro Kago, but i don´t have original arts, and i don´t need it and i can´t, it is very expensive.
Timeless is a shop that i like, i buy sometimes there,
you can find another limited items of Shintago Kago like plastic toys:
By the way, i discovered your blog recently, Trevor Brown has a link:
Best regards from Spain!
My Kago art arrived yesterday. I was impressed at how well everything was packaged, someone would have had to get creative to damage it in shipping.
Anyways here are some pics I took of my pages of Abstraction:
Abstraction 1
Abstraction 6
@Anonymous: Thanks for coming to the site! Hope you dig around the archives and labels, and find stuff you like :)
Oh yeah, I get what Timeless does, that's a cool shop and helpful for folks in other countries. I meant, in this specific case Kago sells direct to overseas folks so there's no need for a middleman.
@Ben: Those look really awesome! Congrats dude
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I just ordered the piece 'Kantuu' from his site.
I asked if he was planning any English language releases and got this response...
'I will print the book(Language:English & Japanese) in the spring of this year'
Don't know if this already common knowledge? No other info I'm afraid but its something to look forward to.
Great blog!
Oh Oh OH i manage to catch "carnival" i am insanely happy :p
@Tom: innnnteresting. I talked to Kago a little about that exact topic but don't know of any confirmed stuff yet. That would be awesome, of course!
@DemiPoulpe: How nice! That is a great piece to own, glad you snagged one :)
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