Friday, February 05, 2010


Before I head off for, I wanted to share the link to OUTDOOR a free online "EcoMIC" by Yuichi Yokoyama. This three-chapter story is hosted at MouRa's Ecologue site. MouRa is "a digital publishing platform which covers the whole Kodansha universe".

You can check out all 3 chapters over on their site!

Thanks to Kevin at Laser Crab Revue for sending this link!

Oh, and if you're still not satiated with online manga reading (for free!), the SigIKKI site is still posting tons of new chapters... including their newest series Bob and His Funky Crew.


jimpac said...

This is awesome. Thanks for pointing it out. Although I guess I should really be thanking the Laser Crab Revue... nice find!

Dan said...

i saw his stuff at "new people" in SF - i am a fan, for real... would love to own one of his books.

Anonymous said...

@jimpac: glad you dig it!

@Dan: word up, he's really doing something very different than most cartoonists attempt. He was super shy in person too :)

K T said...

Yeah, I think it's one of the best ecologically-conscious things I've seen. He's able to both show how interesting nature is at the same time as how disconnected we are from it, without being preachy. Or even using any dialogue.

They're just great little stories, too.

@jimpac: I wish I found one of these every day...