Tuesday, March 09, 2010


[photo by VoidMare, Tokyo Scum Brigade]



adam said...


astro98 said...

Holy crap!! I am so damn jealous of you right now!
I'm really looking forward to hearing more about this, and the rest of the trip.

Ramen Adventures said...

Oh man...

johnny landmine said...

Awesome! I'm jealous of that photo.

Also of that sweet Fred Perry.

Ryan S said...

@Adam :)
@astro98: thanks! I will be writing lots about Umezu-sensei, manga, and other stuff from the trip very soon.
@Brian: I was delirious and nervous the entire afternoon
@johnny: thanks dude! I gave Umezu-sensei some Same Hat gifts and pass along the mad love of his English/SH fans!

m.h. said...

livin' the dream. nicely done!

Azraelito said...


welcome back!!

Incredible you and your god of comics. Great pic!!

Well I hope you bought some interesting stuff and really enjoyed the trip.


Ryan S said...

@Matt: Thanks, dude!

@Azraelito: It was a surreal and wonderful afternoon for me :) I have a bunch of posts planned soon. Here is one picture I took specifically for you, my friend: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4048/4409548534_b575e7317a.jpg

jimpac said...

Looking forward to hearing all about the trip. Echoing the jealousy sentiments of everyone else.

RSS said...

The flood of jealousy that will flow from this and the coming post will destroy the blogspot servers and your heart.

Nah, but seriously, holy shit, duder. I'd be insanely nervous. Hope you passed the love, as said. Also hope you passed on word that most of his English lang. work is horrible and he needs to get himself a wider audience in the states!! How old is he, like 100?

Okada said...

Wow awesome picture!! So, how was to meet Umezu?!! Can't wait to see the posts about your trip and more pictures!

Ryan S said...

@jimpac: more soon!

@RSS: don't kill me! I definitely conveyed are deep love for the man (and made him a Same Hat t-shirt and box full of comics) too. Other than Drifting Classroom (which is one of my all-time favorite comics) I agree with you to a point... we need more Umezu in English for sure. I'm gonna do my best to push this forward, where/if I can!

@Okada: Thanks dude! Me & the Tokyo Scum guys spent about 3 hours in the Makoto-chan house with Umezu-sensei and his staff and then went out for a few hours for dinner afterward. The guy is amazing, hilarious, generous, a class-act-- a slightly lower-key version of exactly what you'd imagine. :) More soon!

Jaclyn said...

I can't get over how awesome it is that you got the chance to meet and hang out with Umezz!

you made him a Same Hat shirt?!

I would probably pay for one if they were available...

Ryan S said...

@jaclyn: me either! I feel like this thing was cosmically willed into occurring. I think I'm gonna have to pay karmically for my good fortune.

I ended up making a stencil while in Tokyo and screen printing Umezu a simple red & white baseball shirt. SAME HAT on the front, and UMEZZ on the back :)

Hon said...

That's awesome! Hurry up and write a post about your trip!

tb said...

you're on the umezz blog!

(is the girl an automaton?)

Ryan S said...

@Jaclyn: The idea of some Same Hat gear finally does appeal to me... Maybe I'll talk to my buddy who runs SEIBEI about how to do a limited run

@Hon: Thanks dude! Working on 3 posts right now

@Trevor: Wait, am I? The current top video is actually from the first visit by the Tokyo Scum Brigade boys-- Dan & David. Though they did film an embarrassing video of me too, coming later? That is Demerin's style, she is awesome

Azraelito said...

Jaaaaaaaaaa Ryan! really? thx a lot I am uploading it now in facebook in a new album. Really thks a lot it is a wonderfull pic! Kaze Shinobu rulz!!

I hope to hear more about your trip to japan.

Really thks a lot, it is a bit stupid but I am living here in Argentina and you in Us and it is a very cool dedications. Thanks a lot frien!

Saludos as always!!

God Bless Kazuo Umezz

Ryan S said...

@azraelito: Thanks dude! Just sent you some pictures (including the ISBN) of that Shinobu Kaze collection :) More soon, my friend!

trevor brown said...

oops, sorry - i thought "dan" might be a mispronunciation "ryan" - and david needs to shut up occasionally and let the main man get a word in! (not that i could understand any of it!)

Unknown said...

Nice! I really regret I was not there with You...

Hadeer said...

It must have been awesome to hang out with him.

zytroop said...


Eoin Marron said...

Amazing! Beyond fucking cool!!!

I am in AWE :0