Monday, November 14, 2005


Evan and I have collaborated on countless, weirdo pursuits but this post details our first ever ORIGINAL COMIC COLLABORATION!

Check it out -- 14 pages of full color scripture as (re)told by Evan!!

click above, or here to read it.

The idea for this comic was birthed while sitting over cheese fries and Dr. Peppers at the Lucky Penny diner in SF. Something Evan said-- Jesus descending from heaven on a flaming cloud to impart the 10 Commandments?! -- cracked me up. Myself, I was raised Irish-Catholic and got a weekly dose of catechism (fire, brimstone and transubstantiation) from age 10 to 14. Evan was lucky enough to miss all that fun stuff with a non-religious upbringing: no sermons, first eucharist or bedtime bible stories. It's all junk that I take for granted, but HE DOESN'T KNOW THIS STUFF.

So we decided to have Evan retell the Bible to me, as he thought it went. I quizzed him along the way, and he patched together pieces of stories he heard over the years, along with a crazy pop culture mish-mash of Dante, Sandman and Preacher comics, and even Roman mythology. As a rule, I never confirmed or denied any of his Bible tales-- I just put down his words as... well, GOSPEL TRUTH!

We'd really appreciate any comments/feedback! It will be online for at least a week, and will also be available in hard copy for anyone interested. Maybe 3 bucks an issue? If you'd want an actual copy, leave a note or send us a message directly at samehat @!


Anonymous said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

man if I had read this when I was a wee lover of the Lord, I wouldn't have had to slag through those 18 years of Sunday school

this is rad. did you color it with markers, evan?????

Anonymous said...

how'd you do the illustrations?

M. Sphinx said...

Ha, excellent work.

It's like a cooler verions of a Jack Chick tract.

Anonymous said...

dudes if you are looking for a cheap copy place, the newly opened COPY EDGE in downtown Berkeley on University between Oxford and Shattuck is hellzuf motherfugging cheeeeep. b/w 8.5.11" copies are only TWO CENTS PER SIDE so who knows what great savings on colored copies you could make
2121 University Ave, Berkeley
510 845 5702

ho man this looks like spam. BUT IZ NOT

Ryan said...

sounds sweet dude. evan and i gotta make some time to get our shit together-- i think we were gonna do each issue as four 11 x 17 color, double-sided for this ($$$). maybe 30 copies to start, if people are interested in them (ARE you, fanboys?)

thanks for the BLOGSPAM information! the googlebots are nowenroute to your IP to wrexx yr effex dood.

Anonymous said...

That was pretty damn awesome.

Anonymous said...

holy crap evan. that is the best thing ever. also, you owe me an email or a phonecall. :)

Elementale said...


Anonymous said...

That was really funny.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Yes, I'll buy one. Do you take Paypal?

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Please, keep it up. Lucky Evan, he don't know squat about the Bible. Come to think of it, nor do I :p

Allen said...

Awesome! The art was surprisingly well done considering how little room you had in each frame. I honestly wasn't expecting much from the first page, but then you guys pleasantly surprised me and had me reading with bated breath until the end. :-D

I myself went to a catholic school but later came to the conclusion that it was all just a nice story (some stories not so nice). Great work.

Ramsey Allington said...

Well done - hillarious! After reading that I fell like I need to seek forgiveness.

The art, colors, storyline, and "slight" changes to some small details are all brillant. Not to put any of your other work down, but this was by far my favorite piece of work so far. The 12 Apostles had me rolling!!

I cant wait to see how you interpret other noteable moments in history.

Keep them coming!!

antickpix said...


I'm not religious, but that just made my week.

Great work

anaglyph said...

I think you should print it out in little cheap leaflets and hand it out on street corners. No, seriously - there's a lot of cash to be made in religion...

Well done guys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please, make more comics.