I MET KOJI SUZUKI, author of the Ring series & Dark Water!
The weekend before last, My gf & I were shopping at Kinokuniya in San Francisco for comics (picking up Cromartie 3, Scary Book 2 - will post on these soon) when an announcement came over the spearkers that KOJI SUZUKI was there for a signing!!
I had no idea about this, but happily got in line and got a copy of his short story collection, Dark Water, signed!
Turns out Suzuki was in town to attend the World Horror Convention that weekend, and Vertical, publisher of all things awesome Japanese literature and responsible for the publication of Tezuka's Buddha series, had him do a signing.
If you don't know his writing and need convincing, check out this preview of Dark Water over at Vertical's site!
Yay! Update! ^^
That's a really fucking sweet coincidence there. I started reading The Ring a couple years back, but just couldn't get into it, found it way too airport-novel-ish. Seems like the short stories will probably be a lot better though.
Yeah, he's definitely more Dean Koontz than HP Lovecraft... But someof the short stories are pretty sweet-- a lot of the same concerns as THE RING, but more compact and zingier. I dig them for a nice, creepy fast read.
ps- thanks for the comments! nice to see you on here. are you in germany or japan right now?
Oh, I'm back in Germany now. Will probably be back in Japan before too long though. ^^
The Ring was a great book in my opinion the sequels are way better though. Did you know that suzuki-san actually intended for his books to be realistic? He is a practical and sciencey kind of guy and personally doesn't believe in ghosts and disliked The Ring. For that reason he wrote the other two books Spiral and Loop to try to make The Ring make sense. You are such a lucky duck I would love to fall apon a concidence like that. Koji Suzuki's books are the first books that I have made it all the way through. I would so marry him if he didn't have a wife he is so smart and so hot.
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