I came across this at one of the boutiques on Haight this past weekend:
Mishima. Pink ON Pink with Stars... And the kanji says:
(literally: cho-douseiaisha)
I want to know... who is the demented genius that designed this thing? For those of you interested, here is the famous original image of Yukio Mishima used as the source.
EDIT! Thanks to whoever commented this info. Turns out the shirtmaker is local (from details in his blog) and you can buy the ULTRAHOMO shirt directly at his site, Seibei!!
Get it dusted for fingerprints! We need to meet the person who made that.
Speak of the devil, I found that shirt just a week ago :D It's made by Seibei. Here, you can buy it for great justice.
I also have that shirt!
Thanks for the comment! I updated the post :) -ryan
I want that shirt but I'm afraid what would happen to me if I'd wear it in public...
why, do you live in Texas?
no in europe but guess what we have skinheads here too
oh god, THAT! yeah, good call :(
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