I've been basically panting for this release for a few months now, and am now about to sit down and read it. 583 pages of raw Tezuka power, here I come! Also, not only is the cover of the book great, the inside hard cover (under the book jacket) is crazy scenes of riots and gas masks wrapped around the spine. Very cool.
If you haven't tracked the book down just yet, you can get a nice preview of the first chapter via Vertical's site. Or just catch the preview pages directly:
Chapter 1, pages 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19
20-21, 22-23, 24-25, 26-27, 28-29, 30-31, 32
In other news, the battery on my Mac (the one with all the pictures from Germany) died recently so I'm way behind on my Frankfurt Book Fair post-- big surprise, right? Meanwhile, I'm also working on posts about Kago and Umezu toys, some details about a new contributor to Same Hat and some pics and finds from the SF ZineFest a few weeks back.
Finally, Evan just got back from a 8-day trip to Japan! Once he recovers from his jet lag, I'll have him post manga news here! Evan was visiting some friends, eating MOS Burger and taking photos at the Tokyo Auto Show. It's good to have him back!
Kago toys? Hot damn!
And it's time to toss MW on the ever-growing pile of manga that's already straining my meager paycheck.
Is it just me, or has an unusually enormous amount of horror manga started coming out stateside recently? And of course I feel oddly obligated to drop as much coin on it as I can to make sure it keeps coming. Pretty soon they'll find my lifeless corpse crammed into one of my bookshelves, warped and distended into the shape of a comic book.
do you have the whole volume of the comic "MW" ?
the story was really great!i really want to know the following story..
@ymsin: yeah, the book is awesome!
you should buy it-- i bet you can find it used for like 15 bucks.
or just pick the thing up from amazon, it's the shit.
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