God, this cover is fucking gorgeous. And despite my hating of Vice's politics and editorial bent, this is a killer artistic decision (along with giving Johnny his own comics page and recently featuring spot illustrations by our buddy Laura Park). I gotta get my hands on many, many copies of this issue.
I love love LOVE the blue face coming out of her head. I cna't believe Vice has something worth reading! I'd better pick it up
Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention.
that's fucking brilliant! i wonder what the interview is like?
you guys are definitely one of the first pages that comes up when you google kago. hella new traffic!
This would make an awesome wallpaper if it was a little bigger.
Longfish is looooooooooooooong.
Cover: incredible.
Laura Park illustrations: Bonus!
City dwellers, where can I pick up this publication!
Countdown to guro becoming a hipster trend!
Man, now I have to pick up a copy of Vice. Ugh.
Never heard of vice magazine before but I have to say it sounds great.
Great cover! Without the VICE logo,it'd be perfect.
...where can one obtain Vice? Would it be in regular bookstores/news-stands?
if anybody can scan and post the article when it's out, that would be sweeeet :)
btw, I have all Vice magazine books, but I never read any issue of the magazice (I can't buy it anywhere)
@hellen: I know, right? I was as shocked as you are. If I find an issue, I skip the content and look at the LIST article in the back (with Laura's drawings) and Johnny's comics and that's about it.
@ryan l: I have no idea about the interview, but I'm curious. I wonder if they talk about Kago's reception among English audiences?
@nate: NICE! Although, we did crash our server space a few days before the end of January. Here's hoping we hold up.
@anonymous: Once I get an issue, I'll try to make a bigger scan for folks.
@cal: I'm not sure, but I think Amoeba is a good bet? It's free so it's mostly a matter of just grabbing it up before everyone else does. Maybe umm... urban outfitters? Actually, I have no fucking idea. But I want to find out!
Vice is free and you can get it where you buy your clothes. Some music stores and book stores get it as well. I hope this is on the cover of the Scandinavian issue as well, the article sound be there but sometimes they change covers... Fingers crossed.
if you scan it and put it for download, I'll share it via japantorrents.blogspot.com
Vice magazine cannot be bought or taken free in my part of the world, so... I have my fingers crossed somebody will do the scans... :)
could someone pease scan the interview as well? I don't get this magazine in my part of the world either (germany)...kago ist one of my biggest artist-heros of my currant youth...I would be very pleased if you guys could manage that...thanks and may love be with you!
AHHH. I WANT A COPY OF THIS, STAT. Thanks for bringing this article to my attention!
VICE is the greatest magazine in the world. You're lucky they also have a great website - viceworld.com
sorry that's viceland.com
heres the interview:
thanks anonymous.
i actually already linked to the article (and posted scans someone had online of the pages) in a more recent post.
just fyi
i get a lot of that from http://img.gurochan.net/f/wakaba.html
but b ware it is a rather fucked up place to travel
VICE is pretty amazing. A refreshment from the status quo.
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