Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art Festival 2008 (MoCCA)
When & Where: June 7-8, New York
Going as: fanboy extraordinaire. I'm planning to hang out with friends Anne, David, & Helene and meet Lynda Barry, Jason, PictureBox's Dan Nadel and other people cooler than I deserve to talk to...
GOAL: Buy tons of zines, get publishers to let slip their underground manga plans and show off the dummy copy and proofs of Tokyo Zombie!
SF Zinefest
When & Where: July 19-20, San Francisco
Going as: skeptical but spendaholic purveyor of the finest local zines and minis.
GOAL: I'm actually gonna be in the Midwest for a family wedding, but Evan will probably maybe attend and snatch up some new comics, talk up Electric Ant and whatnot.
Comic-Con (SDCC)
When & Where: July 24-27, San Diego
Going as: Pseudo-exhibitors with Last Gasp (We'll be there for the debut of Tokyo Zombie by Yusaku Hanakuma, and to show off advance copies of Electric Ant #1 on the side)
GOAL: Get as many people as possible interested in the manga and debut preview copies of the complete, final product. High-five Johnny Ryan and other big time cartoonists. Also, try to find a hotel room and not have to sleep on the floor in nowheresville, CA.
Small Press Expo (SPX)
When & Where: October 3-4, Maryland
Going as: I have no idea. I hear that tables sold out a few weeks ago (already?). Also, gas prices and flight by then might be totally off the charts. But I hear it's actually pretty fun-- Any truth to that rumor?
GOAL: Hang out on the East Coast with the cool kids, and start a whisper campaign about our next secret project.
Alternative Press Expo (APE)
When & Where: San Francisco
Going as: Exhibitors with the Bang Gang for the third year in a row. This year's crew includes: Me & Evan, Hellen Jo, Derek Yu, Anthony Wu and Calvin Wong.
GOAL: Have the nerdiest weekend of the year hanging out for 48 hours straight with our favorite people. Selling copies of Electric Ant and checking out what our favorite cartoonists and zinesters have whipped up for this year's APE (Hellen, I'm looking at you!).
Are any of you going to any of these? If so, let me know in the comments!
I'm pretty sure I'll be at mocca on saturday. Hunt you down k!
Oh my god, I had no idea MoCCA Fest was going on but it coincides with a 5-day trip I'm taking to NYC. Our schedule is already pretty tight, but we'll see if I can't convince my boyfriend to let us stop by for a while on Saturday.
@gea: Awesome! Looking forward to meeting in person (finally) :)
@violaine: Whoa, that's auspicious timing for your trip. The cool thing is that the fest is right downtown in Manhattan, so hopefully you guys will get to pop in for a little while and check out some comics :)
I might go to the MoCCA Art Fest. The plans for going are in the works and hopefully they'll go through =]
i should try and go to SPX, just because i never go to these things. Maryland's a little far from Tennessee, though (but closer than San Fran).
SPX is loads of fun. I hope you can make it.
Well if you can't find a hotel bed for SDCC, you could possibly crash on the floor in the hotel room Erin, Noah and ChrisJ are sharing in the GasLamp District. We should be rotating bed duties over the weekend, so if you are good at janken-pon you might get first round.
Let me know (that would ease the overall cost burden a bit too).
No stumptown or portland zine symposium?
I'll be at APE I think, with the Pony Club Gallery.
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