As mentioned last week, the first print review of Yusaku Hanakuma's Tokyo Zombie has been published in the August 2008 issue of OTAKU USA Magazine. My GF picked up a copy at Borders (thanks hon!) and I wanted to share a few pics.
Getting reviewed on the same page as Red Colored Elegy is never a bad thing.
My name is Tokyo Zombie and I approve this message.
Chapter Two: the zombie holocaust begins in style.
If you want a little taste of the book before Comic-Con, please stop by your local shop and check this issue out.
Congrats! I can't wait to get my hands on this, good luck at SDCC too!
@lostphrak: Thanks :) I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Hanakuma's first (and hopefully not last!) English release.
will this manga be available on easy-going ordering-sites like, or will it be published on one of those special distrubuters-kind-of-thing....
@tree: oh yes, in fact you can order it directly from Amazon right now!
damn!! tell everyone to stay away
from the trailer of the live action tokyo zombie movie if they don't want the ending of the story spoiled!!
what gives?!
but anyways, once again congrats.
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