Friday, June 19, 2009


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Before we start the weekend, I wanted to post a quick suggestion for a hot MILFYTR. That is, a "Minicomic I'd Like For You To Read."

Cartoonist Jose-Luis Olivares and I met via Same Hat over email, and he was nice enough to send me a copy of his latest book. The comic is called End of Eros, and I highly recommend you guys check it out.


End of Eros is a 32 page experimental comic, which tells a crazy but earnest tale of humanity, sex and the concept of a "melting pot" to the monstrous degree. The art is rad, and does some really interesting and subtle stuff with panels and layout. I really enjoyed this book.

Jose is a student at the Center for Cartoon Studies (CCS) and counts heta-uma masters King Terry and Takashi Nemoto among his influences. I also was feeling a definite Hedwig & the Angry Inch animations vibe in this work; Makes sense, since Jose said he'd seen the Hedwig production in Japan! He is currently interning with Drawn & Quarterly.


tomorrowboy 2.9 said...

Hey, I picked up a copy of Electric Ant when I was in Portland a couple of weeks ago (at Pony Club). It was exciting to finally find a copy.
I talked to Zack Soto a bit, and it's neat that he'll be in the next issue. Good luck with it! Getting contributors to contribute things can sometimes be hard...

Ryan S said...

@tomorrowboy: Thanks for picking up a copy! That really means at lot :)

I'm stoked to have Zack involved-- i'm a big fan of his work. It was also cool of Pony Club to carry the book.

Some folks I had my eye on were hard to wrangle, but I mostly have begged and flattered and bullied friends to take part--- Issue 1 is exclusively made up of buddies of mine, while Issue 2 is buddies and folks I want to befriend in the near future!

I appreciate the well wishes. The pressure the first time was getting everything's stuff in on time, the stress this time is more on myself to try to make something worthy of all their talents and works! We'll see.

This issue is looking like it will be about 140 pages (instead of 88 like the last one)... :)


Ryan S said...

@Tomorrowboy: Oh cool! My cousin used to do stuff way back when with Food not Bombs in Chicago.

The deadline is definitely fluid, though I've told enough contributors that it's coming out this Fall that I have to deliver :)

It's still being finalized, but a tentative contributor list is on the EAZB: