Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm back, babies! Just got home from a week visiting my girl friend, and also fighting off a head cold. With the holiday shopping season (?) right around the corner, I return to you guys will some awesome news.

Shintaro Kago is selling original B&W and color illustrations via mail order, and he's shipping to overseas folks! All the details are available on this page, which includes ordering and shipping instructions!

The pieces aren't cheap, ranging in price from 10000 YEN (~$115) for B&W to 30000 (~$330) for full color ones. Plus shipping. That said, this is a great opportunity to snag something direct from the man himself... and for what are totally fair prices (actually a big low considering the size of 10" x 14").

My wallet is a bit stressed out right now, but I decided to go for it and grab one and pinch pennies later. There are tons of amazing pieces, but I opted for an B&W one I could put on the wall and not have to worry about folks calling the cops on me:

If you're in the art/gift buying mood anytime soon, go check them out!

UPDATE! Since I posted this Kago has sold 3-4 drawings and started adding additional ones to the site for sale :) Keep checking back!


Jaclyn said...

I AM SO EXCITED, I'm def getting at least one..
I'll put them on my wish-list for Christmas presents.. and if no one gets me one I'll just buy one myself. Or maybe just buy another one anyway.

Thanks so much for letting us know about it!

zytroop said...

hmmmmmmm :)

Ryan S said...

@jaclyn: haha, I can only imagine a family member seeing this on your wish list.

Hope you have good luck! I just got an email back from Kago himself and paypal'd him the $. It was super easy to order!

@zytroop: you know you want it, brother

jimpac said...

Damn, those are radical.. How much extra was the shipping, dude? Unfortunately, it's all a bit out of my price range. Not sure if I'll be able to restrain myself tho...

Have you seen these Nemoto badboys on the Picturebox site? Fair do's, they're not originals but they're still pretty sweet. http://www.pictureboxinc.com/product/id/511/

Ryan S said...

@jimpac: Shipping was pretty fair, he gave three options ranging from 300 Yen to 1200 Yen (or $3.25-$13.00).

I saw those Nemoto prints! Pretty slick stuff :) Lately the problem is not access to cool stuff (in Japan or elsewhere) but cashflow!

Jaclyn said...

I can't decide which one I want :(

Some of the ones I was considering are already sold out, so I should probably act fast.

Right now I'm down to these two:

Jaclyn said...

also is there like one copy of each?
because they sold out rather quick, are they the original peices?

Ryan S said...

@Jaclyn: Those are both really cool ones! I like the moxibustion one a lot, just for how well Kago rendered the woman's face.

Yeah, these are original drawings (not prints or reproductions) so once they sell, they are gone!

That said, it looks like he'll have a lot of them for sale and add more new ones. Good luck!

I emailed with Kago a bit more-- am sending him copies of Electric Ant 1 & 2 as a thank you!

zytroop said...

btw Kago will now ship everything he sells overseas. Postcards, dōjins, dvds, art sets, toys and doo-das are less expensive than originals and almost just as fun, so get shopping. Fuck christmas gifts.

DragonCypher said...

Nice! I actually commissioned him back in the middle of September for a piece, which came out amazing! I wonder if that sparked the selling art overseas thing. Here's the piece he did for me named "Harawata" (Internal Organs): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/dragoncypher/ShintaroKagoPiece.jpg

DemiPoulpe said...

dear santa don't forget me.........;

Ryan S said...

@zytroop: Ah nice, that's really good to know! It's cool that Kago is hooking up with his growing/rabid internet fans directly.

@DragonCypher: Um... damn dude, that's pretty gnarly. I'm trying to imagine the email where you specified exactly what you wanted-- guess Kago was game for it. Don't tell me that is hanging on your bedroom wall?

If you don't mind me asking, what was his rate for an original commission? Was it like 150, 200?

@DemiPoulpe: :)))

Anonymous said...

I have no idea which one I want, but I'm buying one SOO FUCKING HARD

Ryan S said...

@anonymous: Go for it! Kago just added 4 more drawings to the list of available art :)

Ryan S said...

Some of the new additions to his site are B&W originals for 50-70 bucks!

JE said...

Thanks for the tip. Got one of the newer ones, and can't wait for it to get here.

Ryan S said...

By my reckoning (based on his site) Kago has made over 3000 bucks on overseas original art sales in just a week. He must be really stoked.

I talked to Johnny and he got an original drawing as a birthday present this week--- how chill :)

The Angry Paddy said...

Love that piece you commissioned DragonCypher, did he charge much? (Mail me if you want to keep private)

Thinking of buying a colour one, may wait for the Abstraction section though, though decision...

DragonCypher said...

Not sure why my previous post didn't show up, etc. It cost me $300 for the commission. It was soooooo worth it!