Running from April 14, 2010 - June 26, 2010, this will be a must see for any manga fans that can make it out there. From their site:
"Garo Manga, 1964-1973" will be an exhibition focused around the renowned manga (Japanese comics) journal Garo during the period of its greatest aesthetic experimentation and political commitment. Garo is well-known amongst comic enthusiasts and historians of postwar Japanese culture both for its challenging of formal and thematic conventions within the field of comics as well as for its engagement with the main political issues of the day, from rightwing incursions into national education policy to Japanese involvement in the Vietnam War.
This exhibition presents the work and development of Garo during this seminal period. The core of the exhibition will be each and every issue of Garo, from its first issue in September 1964 to its 120th issue in December 1973. Most of the issues will either be shelved serially on a book shelf roughly 8 feet from the floor or, alternately and perhaps preferably, each issue mounted serially upon the wall with their covers facing outward. Exhibition cases will be used to display a number of individual Garo volumes open, showing representative moments in the history of the magazine and the work of important artists. In other exhibition cases, supplementary materials will be exhibited, including direct precursors to Garo, a selection of important Garo issues from later periods, other journals inspired by Garo (including Tezuka Osamu’s COM), and issues of Manga-shugi (Manga-ism), a small but important magazine of manga criticism, much of which focused on the work of Garo.
Unfortunately, the exhibit will be opening the week after this year's MoCCA Festival (bad timing, folks!). But this would be a great excuse to stay a few days in New York...
UPDATE!: Ryan Holmberg, curator of this Garo exhibit, stopped by and left further details in the comments. Turns out there will be a pamphlet from the show and in-person discussion with Ax mangaka Akino Kondoh! Details from Ryan:
Thanks for posting news of the Garo exhibition. I am happy to see that it is getting some publicity. There will be a small scholarly catalog accompanying the exhibition: a portable version for those unable to visit. Also, on April 21st, there will be a public event, a conversation between myself and Akino Kondoh, an artist associated with Ax (her work appears on the cover of the forthcoming Ax volume from Top Shelf), whose early comics were inspired by early Garo artists like Tsuge Yoshiharu and Hayashi Seiichi. Please attend if you are able. It should be interesting.
The show builds on my dissertation, which was on Garo, focusing on the work of Shirato Sanpei, Tsuge Yoshiharu, Sasaki Maki, and Hayashi Seiichi. I have recently begun expanding the dissertation for a book-length manuscript on early Garo, spanning the magazine’s inception to its transformation into a subcultural magazine in the mid-70s, and treating all the main artists of that period. It will be a couple years before I finish.
As for obtaining old Garo issues: it's super easy and cheap if you are in Japan. Go to Mandarake, the used-manga megastore -- which by the way was founded by Furukawa Masuzo, a central Garo artist in the 70s. If you are not in Japan, still go to Mandarake on the web. They have English-capable personnel. However, you will have to tell them exactly what issue you want. Single issues -- excluding special issues and early issues -- cost between 300 to 800 yen, typically -- that's about 4 to 10 USD. Shipping, on the other hand, will be high.
Thanks again. I hope you are able to make the show. If you make either the opening or the Kondoh event, please say hello.
I don't live too far away so hopefully I can plan a trip over there.
Thanks for the info.
sounds like my kind of exhibition. but unfortunately it's located in the wrong country... (Brit here)
If anybody knows where to find the English translation of Tsuge's Neji-Shiki, please point me in the right direction, as it seems impossible to track down the comics journal issue that it was first published in. (still waiting for Muno no Hito to get an English release to!)
I was over state-side recently and got into a conversation with a guy working in a Seattle comic book shop on the subject of manga. We both ended up talking about same hat and how much we loved this blog. Small world.
Wow, Garo is so special for me. I wish I could go there. But I live in Germany and my next trip is planned for Taiwan already.
I saw the comics journal issue on ebay a short while ago. Very good price. It just needs patience.
I also have a problem. Where can I still buy Garo or Com issues? There were several ebay shops where you could buy them. They all disappeared now.
Damn... this looks awesome. Doubt I'll be able to travel across the pond for it though. Someone needs to go and take some snaps when it opens.
@ Mr Alchemy: There is an issue of TCJ 250 on Ebay.co.uk right now - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COMICS-JOURNAL-250-HERGE-DAN-CLOWES-GARY-PANTER-TSUGE_W0QQitemZ310141518284QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Books_Comics_Magazines_US_Comics_ET?hash=item4835e001cc
It's cool to see another British fan of alt-manga or whatever you want to call it! :)
@Jaclyn: Cool! I dunno if I'll make it out there so hoping someone will take and send me pics from the exchibit :)
@Mr. Alchemy: It looks like Jim has hooked you up-- I don't have any scans from the issue, but I bet you can find one via Amazon / eBay or somewhere like MyComicShop...
That's really crazy about the comic shop in Seattle! I'm surprised (and also flattered). Thanks for reading this blog!
@Stefan: Thanks for coming and leaving a comment-- great to hear from new folks! I don't think I'll get to go either, so we will have to rely on the kindness of other Same Hat-ters to share their pics!
Finding old Garo & COM issues is actually quite a hassle in the States or Europe, I think. I would say Yahoo Japan auctions might be the best bet...
My friend I'm visiting lives near Nakano Broadway, so I will see what sort of selection they have and maybe grab a couple to give away on Same Hat in a contest.
Maybe I should start a mail-order company for old manga, using my friend as the relay man... hmmmm.
@Jim: Thanks for the excellent mail, my friend. I owe you a reply and will send you some goodies soon! Thanks for scouting out that TCJ issue for Mr. A :)
This is completely unrelated, but it looks like Criterion's acquired the rights to some/all of the Zatoichi films: http://www.hulu.com/zatoichi-the-blind-swordsman
Thanks for posting news of the Garo exhibition. I am happy to see that it is getting some publicity. There will be a small scholarly catalog accompanying the exhibition: a portable version for those unable to visit. Also, on April 21st, there will be a public event, a conversation between myself and Akino Kondoh, an artist associated with Ax (her work appears on the cover of the forthcoming Ax volume from Top Shelf), whose early comics were inspired by early Garo artists like Tsuge Yoshiharu and Hayashi Seiichi. Please attend if you are able. It should be interesting.
The show builds on my dissertation, which was on Garo, focusing on the work of Shirato Sanpei, Tsuge Yoshiharu, Sasaki Maki, and Hayashi Seiichi. I have recently begun expanding the dissertation for a book-length manuscript on early Garo, spanning the magazine’s inception to its transformation into a subcultural magazine in the mid-70s, and treating all the main artists of that period. It will be a couple years before I finish.
As for obtaining old Garo issues: it's super easy and cheap if you are in Japan. Go to Mandarake, the used-manga megastore -- which by the way was founded by Furukawa Masuzo, a central Garo artist in the 70s. If you are not in Japan, still go to Mandarake on the web. They have English-capable personnel. However, you will have to tell them exactly what issue you want. Single issues -- excluding special issues and early issues -- cost between 300 to 800 yen, typically -- that's about 4 to 10 USD. Shipping, on the other hand, will be high.
Thanks again. I hope you are able to make the show. If you make either the opening or the Kondoh event, please say hello.
Ryan Holmberg
@Ryan: Thanks for stopping by Same Hat and sharing the information :) I feel like we'd be fast friends once we meet.
We're all very excited about the upcoming Garo show--- folks in the manga and indie comics scene are talking about it. I don't think I'll personally be able to attend-- have plans to attend some events in SF that week and see Obayashi's HOUSE on the big screen!-- but I know a lot of Same Hat folks will be coming out for it.
I'm guessing you must, but do you know Sean Michael Wilson? He is the editor of the upcoming AX Anthology for Top Shelf, and also working to adapt into English a recent books (by Seirinkogeisha, I believe?) about gekiga and the 1950-70s era of manga. We got to meet him when he attended the last Alternative Press Expo out here in the Bay Area.
I'm familiar with Akino Kondoh from her stuff in Ax and her french publications by our friends at Le Lezard Noir... how exciting that you'll have her there in person!
Thanks again for stopping by--- I'll update the post with these details now. Come by anytime and look forward to the exhibit.
I'm a reader of AX via Kinokuniya here in SF, but will be at Mandarake in Nakano next weekend, any particular issues of GARO that stand out as MUST-READS? :) Loaded question, I know.
Thanks again!
Ryan Sands
Oooh. This might be just the excuse I need to go to NYC again.
@Deb: I would be all over it if I wasn't already planning to do TCAF.
Coupled with MOCCA, could be a really awesome 8 days :)
Am SO psyched for this!
@fort90: take pictures! Are you gonna try to make the opening (or are you out West for GDC that week?)
Thanks to all.
I posted here before but under TroglodyteSpacebird. You also sand me a postcard already one time.
I think a must read is number No 47. from 1968 for example. This is a Yoshiharu Tsuge Special. I also enjoyed issue 5 of 1993 very much, this is a Maruo special. I have a few more, but then shops like Marble Books disappeared.
Thank you very much. The shipping costs are okay. Sadly you can only order with a credit card. I do not have a credit card, it is still not so common in Europe anyway.
@Stefan: Ah! How funny. Well, hello again then :) Jim from dustyrecollections actually just sent xeroxes of that 93 issue of GARO to me in the mail. I'm gonna write it down (along with the Tsuge special you mentioned) for when I'm hunting at Nakano Broadway next weekend :)
:) I am still interested as well in more recommendations. I have one mag from the 60ies, one from the 70ies and several from the 90ies. So I would be glad to know if there is any great issue from the 80ies.My favorite artist from ガロ is actually Nemoto.
I have some pictures from the Maruo issue on Tumblr already
You can find photos from it here:
@Stefan: Oh nice, great Tumblr! I just RSS'd it. That is the same issue that Jim sent me xeroxes of... Would you mind if I post those images from your Tumblr to SAME HAT and link back to you?
No, I would even feel honored :)
Also if you would include my other tumblr and my deviantART if you can.
My Asian Vintage Music Tumblr:
I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING AND THAT I WILL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO SEE IT. Thank you so much all involved, I will be flipping out when I get there
@ryan: Yes, I will most definitely be there, with camera in hand! And no, it does not conflict with GDC, which I won't be able to attend anyway it would seem. :(
Not to change the subject, but is Electric Ant going to be present at MoCCA?
@c.bren: Have fun! I'm jealous :)
@fort90: Cool dude, I wanna see those pics! I don't think I'm likely gonna make it out there, with TCAF in May and the trip I'm taking this week. Next time, i hope!
Great stuff, well done Ryan H.
Asakwa and i asked Mr Holmberg to write the biography section of the AX book with Top Shelf. Which he did a good job on - it has lots of new info for you all on the 33 manga creators involved.
The AX book is now done and being sorted out for release by Top Shelf in july this year. Tanoshimi!!!
A late reply for sure, but I just wanted to thank you for that ebay link to The Comics Journal #250. I bought it yesterday and can't wait to finally read Neji Shiki in English! And as it turns out, I happen to be a follower of your blog. You've put up some great articles.
For anyone else interested in Tsuge, I've come across another blogger who has scanlated Oba's Electroplate Factory (I don't think he knew it was previously translated by Raw, but his new translation is the only place to find the manga online as far as I'm aware). As it turns out, he has a bunch of Garo issues and is planning to translate many more stories for his blog. Maybe someone active in the scanlation community could get in touch with him for a collaboration, or at least put some of the manga on his blog into an archive and upload it somewhere (with his permission).
@Sean: How fantastic! Congrats on the book-- I went to the Ax anniversary gallery show in Tokyo last weekend and got even more excited about this book-- hopefully only the first in a series!
Let's talk more over email in the next month or so :)
@Mr. Alchemy: Thanks for the share! I will check out the site and that dude's work, sounds interesting :)
I agree, odd to scanlate something that was officially licensed, but cool of him to tackle Tsuge. I actually have one of the Penguin reprint collections of that story from RAW, so I can post the original release--- would be interesting to contrast all 3 versions: the original Japanese, the official RAW edition, and this scanlation. thanks!
Would it be possible to get Ryan Holmberg's contact ? I'm currently working on Garo related topics here at my University in France, and would very muchlike to read his essay. I can have it sent to France through my university's library I guess, but it would be quite slow and expensive, and useless if Mr Holmberg has a pdf version of it... (Ryan Holmberg, if you see this message... :) )
I will also my university if they can pay me a trip to NY, for researches purpose of course :p
Oh and one big criticism on Garo: it weights super heavy in your luggage when you return from japan and you bought like ten issues ! :(
@yOurname: Thanks for stopping by! I had no idea so many folks we're doing research on alternative manga-- how exciting :) I brought home 2 or 3 issues of Garo on my last trip and damn, they are heavy! all the monthly anthologies are a real pain to carry, haha.
I saw on the exhibit site that Ryan Holmberg is a post-doc fellow at University of Southern California (USC), so I did some searching and found his contact info for you; His email is here on this profile page:
Good luck!
Dear all.
For those interested in obtaining a copy of the catalogue of the Garo exhibition, please note the following instructions and the pre-opening discount.
Ryan Holmberg
A scholarly catalogue (color, 50 pages) will accompany the exhibition, and is available from the Center for Book Arts for $20. A $5 dollar discount is available to those who reserve and pay for a copy prior to the opening of the exhibition on the 14th (see note below). Payment can be made in person at the Center for Book Arts, or by check, MasterCard, or Visa (NO AMEX). Personal checks should be made out to the Center for Book Arts and mailed to the address below; credit card orders should be phoned in: (212) 481-0295. A shipping and handling charge of $3 must be added to each order.
DISCOUNT NOTE: When submitting your payment information to the CBA, you must mention the keyword "Kamuy." This discount is not available after the 13th of April. For those ordering in advance, you may opt to pick up your copy of the catalog on or after the opening to avoid shipping charges. Please note that you will be doing so upon payment.
The Center for Book Arts
28 West 27th Street, Third Floor
(Located between 6th Avenue and Broadway)
Thanks Ryan! This is exciting news. I'll be posting it on Same Hat's front page now. I unfortunately won't make the GARO exhibit, but had the pleasure of hunting and flipping through a lot of issues at Mandarake & Taco Che last month. That said, I'm jealous of folks who get to attend and will order myself a catalogue :)
Thanks again and best of luck with the show!
Too bad i didnt catch it.. LMAO.. i just happen to read this blog too, its about manga magazine.. http://manga-magazine.blogspot.com/
@:-) The show is still going on if you get a chance. It's really small, but I just saw it on Friday. Good stuff
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