Thursday, April 22, 2010


As some of you have perhaps already seen on my twitter or on the EnterBrain site, a new book was released by Suehiro Maruo this month in Japan! Unlike his last two works, this release is more of an art book than a proper manga. But like his last few published works, the theme of this collection is the world and works of the king of Japanese noir & macabre, Edogawa Rampo!

The book is titled RAMPO PANORAMA, and looks really stunning:

I've ordered a copy via my local Kinokuniya, and will be picking it up after work tomorrow. Full details on the book size/cost are all on the EnterBrain online shop. From my understanding (and hearing from Same Hat buddy Ho-Ling), the book includes the following things:
  • A collection of various Rampo-inspired paintings, drawings, album art, etc. from Suehiro Maruo's long career.

  • Sketches and designs from Maruo's work on The Strange Tale of Panorama Island and Caterpillar, his previous longer-form adaptations of Rampo stories.

  • Maruo's third manga adaptation of an Edogawa Rampo story, a shorter manga this time of 踊る一寸法師 (Odoru Odoru Isshunboush - Dancing Dwarf).

  • Nice art book paper stock and a great painted cover.
I'm not sure exactly how long it is or more specifics yet, but I'm planning to post pictures of this book over the weekend, once I've gotten my hands on my own copy! Have any of you seen the book in person? What do you think of it?


Azraelito said...


I need this right now to survive this life!!

Both artbooks of maruo were great, but this one it seems to be the coolest!!The only problem with Maruo are that his artbooks are very difficult to find and they are very expensive.

Thanks a lot for this info!!

Saludos Ryan, I say this for the third time thks a lot for the postcard. I send you another mail two or three days ago...

tb said...

i blogged it yesterday - besides tiny reservations mentioned there, i just wish it was a hardback : )

any news on strange tale of panorama island beyond "coming soon" - still not on amazon so still no actual release date?

Annelise said...

I bought a copy of this at Taco Che yesterday and it's absolutely gorgeous. I actually like the binding, too, since it's much lighter than a hardcover and therefore easier to haul around everywhere I go.

Andrew said...

awesome! suehiro maruo is unstoppable and all of his works just seem to get better and better. i do not own this but i can't wait to get ahold of it. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Anonymous said...

@ tb

on amazon it says Nov 1st for the english release of "Strange tale of panorama island" published by last gasp.

Ryan S said...

@azraelito: Thanks dude! This book is only 2000 yen, so I think it would be much easier to import and wayyyy cheaper than the Maruograph books. I really was impressed by it. Did you get the zines I sent you yet? Replying to your email today!

@trevor: Ah nice, I hadn't seen your post yet. I got my copy yesterday, and was really pleased with the book. The new comic is short but effective (The original story it's based on is pretty simple and not one of my faves but Maruo did a good job with it). I actually prefer the flexibind paperback format for a book that is tall and thin like that one.

We're working on Panorama Island, but behind schedule for a few exogenous reasons. It will be out this fall though. But you've already got your hands on the Japanese edition already, right?

@Gluttoness: I agree. It's a lovely book, isn't it? great deal for the price

@Andrew: I'll post some pics from the interiors tomorrow night

Azraelito said...

No zines for now. If you send them with the postcard fuck we are doomed!!

I pray for the work of maruo and I hope some day he do a story about the life of yukio mishima!

Ryan S said...

@azraelito: nope, it was a separate envelope! hopefully it should show up soon.

The Angry Paddy said...

Tried to get a copy from EB but they're 在庫切れ (out of stock), & amazon are charging 4000円 for shipping to Ireland... anyone got a better idea on where I can get it online?

DrMorbius said...
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Anonymous said...

Got my copy from Hobby Link Japan (

Including FedEx to the UK it was 3,231 Yen. Very Quick and efficient.

The book is just great, really good production and print quality.

Well worth the money.

Elena said...
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Elena said...

Do you know the band Ningen Isu? Their works are inspired by Edogawa Rampo stories :3

You should look at this:

Did you know this yet?

Sorry for my bad english :P

I wait for the pictures of the book! :P

Sootoo said...


Taco che is all japanese.I don`t speak japanese T.T

The cover is sooo beautiful!
One of the best illustrations by Maruo,i have seen,till now.

Since he is doing Ranpo stories,his style reminds me more and more of art nouveau classics,like Alfons Mucha...Just beautiful.

Ps:Thank u so much 4 this Same Hat!

Nichol Renee said...

THANK YOU for this. I'm so excited! As will be my boyfriend when I buy it and surprise him!


I just picked my copy up from Kinokuniya a few hours ago. $33 US. This is my new addiction! Like tb I also wish this was hardback. Absolutely exquisite! Brutal romance vibe WOW! A must have for any fan!

ole said...

Thought I'd let you know that this is now officially available in France !
Not only that, but Imomushi will follow later this year.

My only regret is that the publisher (Casterman) swapped the vibrant Japanese cover for a much less striking one... Oh well.
Imomushi will be handled by Le Lézard Noir, so I expect it to retain its original shape.