Hi,Ryan. I want to you introduce 2 MANGA artisuts."Ranya Kumagai"&"Sumireko Hosizono".I think they have ameging talent of MANGA,you have to visit blog.「Rankei syoin」 http://kumagai-rannya.seesaa.net/ bye.
Updated: SAME HAT stopped updating in 2013! For all new projects, please see Youth in Decline's sit and Instagram.
All fan translations of manga that you'll see in the archives are previously untranslated into English and range from comedy to horror to avant-absurd weirdness.
Same Hat is written & edited by Ryan. If you would like to contact me, please email: samehat @ gmail.com. Also, you can Ask me anything on the Same Hat Tumblr!
I would say the "our friends = awesome" tag fits especially well here!
So good.
I love it!
awesome maruo look! the last few years i've been dressing up as a really low-fi tetsuo the iron man, it's fun to put foil all over the body!
I want to you introduce 2 MANGA artisuts."Ranya Kumagai"&"Sumireko
Hosizono".I think they have ameging
talent of MANGA,you have to visit
blog.「Rankei syoin」
I'm picturing "Maruo realness" as a vogue ball category for competition.
The costumes are awesome.
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