This is extremely exciting progress on the expansion of Kago's overseas notoriety. This book is a nice addition to the short list of his works available outside of Japan (I believe two monographs of his stories were published a few years back in Italian, by d/visual that are now out of print. As noted in the comments by Ileca, Kago also had a story appear in ORANG 8, as well as the French collection, "EXTRÊME ORIENT.
Hands off to Benoit, the head of Editions IMHO, for snatching up the license for this book and making it happen. Editions IMHO is basically the dream publisher for Same Hat fans, having books by Suehiro Maruo, Tori Miki, Atsushi Kaneko, Usumaru Furuya, Yusaku Hanakuma, Shigeru Sugiura, Imiri Sakabashira, and others in their impressive catalog. Now here's to an English edition finally happening for us North American fans...!
I've got an email out to Benoit asking which specific Kago comics are in the book, and will update this post once I hear from him!
[PS: Happy New Year 2011! I'm off to a slow start with blogging but have many plans to pick up and delight you guys soon!]
ARGHHHHHH the french have his stuff again now too?
Why oh why can't we get English volumes? There's a clear and present demand for them, as apparent in his fan-translation-hungry fandom...
It looks like it is a French release of "Korokoro Soushi". There are some details about it on Manga updates here: http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=39899
So jealous of the French, they get so many awesome mangas. Wish I had paid more attention to my French lessons in school!
Looking forward to more same hat in 2011. It's been a little bit barren round here of late! (Though, I know you've got a lot on your plate with other projects.)
En effet, nous sommes chanceux.
The book by D/visual, is it really Kasutoru Shiki (かすとろ式) like the cover said or just an anthology of various works of him ? Because I read "2 volume" but Kasutoru Shiki has just one, no ?
"This (about Orange 8) will be his first European publication (outside of his guest strips in Vice Magazine) Update: "The first European publication was an Italian monograph published by D/visual in december 2006", says Anonymous in the comments."
Fail X2. The first European publication is an anthology called "Extrême Orient" by "Les Humanoïdes Associés", 1996 (!) :
@That Girl: I am still hopeful that we'll get a Kago collection in English, if not in 2011 then perhaps in 2012!
@jimpac: Ah, good call! I will update the post accordingly :) I just purchased Imomushi in French, along with Little Thunder's comic KYOOLE. I don't speak it at all, but I'm still curious to see the production
@lleca: Ah, thanks for all those details! I (obviously) have very incomplete information about the European releases. I am updating the post(s) now!
I am not sure about the D/visual book(s)-- Haven't ever seen them in person, but I read somewhere that there were two volumes and that it was less a direct release of a Japanese book of his, and more a collection of assorted short manga from various places. I could be wrong there!
I'm really excited for this, since I've been waiting so long. But although it's original release date was in November, in amazon its been always "unavailable". Might as well ask Benoit, what's that all about...
Editions IMHO is basically the dream publisher for Same Hat fans? I am a Same Hat! fan, but to be honest except for Maruo, Furuya and maybe Kago, the rest of this list in their catalog was pretty boring.
@andthewindblows: Good point, I just asked Benoit in my reply for details on
@sootoo: Oh huh, well different strokes for different folks. I'm a fan of Atsushi Kaneko (more for SOIL than Bambi) and personally really enjoy the works of Tori Miki, Nekojiro, etc. What I was getting at was more the way they mix across genres-- gag comics, some action stuff, "horror" stuff, etc-- more like an indie comics boutique publisher than a proper manga publisher. I'm excited to see who else they add to their small but growing stable of artist.
Yea, i get what you mean and i really like how this blog supports indie artists. but indie art also stands for underground artists. I really don`t want to sound harsh against any artists, or anyone else, but to me, it just seems as if some underground artists are only unknown because of their very extreme and violence material and some underground artists are more unknown just simply because of lack of skills. But that`s just how i feel.
@sootoo: ah, I think I see what you mean. I'm curious, what artists are on your wish list for release outside of Japan (either in English or in French, etc)
@ryan: Thanks, I would appreciate you'll do that.
@Sotoo: Well, most of the underground artist don't create something for the mainstream, but a product for a really tiny community (thus why they are unpopular). So most of the works they do are sometimes hard to get into. So what sometimes may seem a poor manga, is in fact hidding a great manga. One of the IMHO books I have is Nekokappa by Imiri Sakabashira, and the first time I've read it, I didn't enjoy it too much, but as I reread it, I found myself loving it. Maybe someone needs to be in the right mood to read the more underground manga. The point is, maybe you should give those artist another try.
@Ryan: My wishlist? Actually i don`t have a real comic/manga wishlist. Maruo is my wishlist. Idk...yea, Kago also definitely deserves more. I think it`s sad that Junji Ito isn`t anywhere in my local workshop. Or the more guro stuff from Hiroaki Samura. I also really like what Keizo Miyanishi does. But actually i`m more into painters and illustrators than into mangakas atm. I would love to see Takato Yamamoto in my local bookstore. Or stuff from Trevor Brown, Shohei, Hitode etc...
@andthewindblows: I think artists always have to find a good balance between their own prferences and the preferences of the mainstream audience. Just drawing for yourself and your circle of friends is pretty selfish. But like i said, i don`t want to sound harsh against any artists. What i`ve seen there from these artists is still incredible work. No doubt.
@Ryan: Oh, i`ve forgot to put Yun Hayami on manga wishlist of course!
Hey Le Lézard Noir is another dream publisher for same hat's fans. Means no offense to Benoit's work, just doing some self promotion here :-)
Ryan let me know what you think of "la chenille" and have you seen this www.hachiju.com ?
we also need someone to publish Matsumoto`s Number 5 volumes 3 to 8. years passed and I`m still not over the fact that viz stopped at volume 2..
@Le Lezard: of course! Le Lezard Noir is one of my alltime favorite publishers, in any country/language!
@Luca: Not likely, but you never know! I have heard many times it was (back then) the alltime worst selling Viz manga ever published :)
@LeLezard: hachiju is an amazing project! And congratulations for La Chenille being chosen to be a part of the oficial nominations of angouleme. But honestly it deserves to be in there, not only because of the manga itself (which is phenomenal), but also for the editorial work, and the great "Corps Déviants" text written by Slocombe.
Kind of off topic, but can anyone suggest a good online comicshop or bookstore that caries Le Lezard Noir and Editions IMHO 's comic books, besides amazon? Cheap shipping would be extra appreciated...
Hey, buy directely to us, we can send as books for cheap rates though unregistred and it may takes times to arrive. We have a distro in Canada called www.dimedia.com
Hey Ryan, this is off topic but, where did you order the Little Thunder KYOOLE zine/comic from and what's it like? I think I'm going to have to get hold of a copy if it's still available. Every thing you've been putting on Tumblr, and that I've seen elsewhere, is just so fucking fresh that it makes me a little bit dizzy!
@jim: Haven't gotten it in the mail yet, but I ordered via Amazon.fr. I'm friends with her on facebook, and am so in love with her work. Trying to get her as a contributor to THICKNESS (a new comic series i'm publishing with DeForge) but it's a longshot.
I'll post pics on EAZB once i get a copy of the book. Posting another of my favorite LT pieces on Same Hat tumblr right now.
A very interesting interview with benoit just got posted on hachiju: http://vimeo.com/18922952
It's on french, but he basically presents 4 titles, The Dark Beast Animorphosis by Kago Shintaro (which got mentioned here in saemhat: http://samehat.blogspot.com/2010/11/cover-for-new-shintaro-kago-manga.html); Velveteen & Mandala by Jiro Matsumoto (already licensed by Vertical); Hoshijo by Shizuka Nakano and a fourth title who's name I don't understand.
In Angouleme, Imho already anounced that it has licensed Shizuka Nakano's Hoshijo, and Charuvari by Tori Miki. Still in the Interview, Benoit says the titles he mention will probably be licensed in 2011.
andthewindblows> "and a fourth title who's name I don't understand."
The fourth title is 改訂版 南くんの恋人 by UCHIDA Shungiku (内田春菊)
Ryan> About your update, my name is Ileca (I like Ijime - lol, my first wordplay in english), not Lleca.
Take 5mns to see this new Manga! It's pretty awesome! I'm sure you'll like! Take a look and give your feedback! I'd really appreciate that!
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