Evan hasn't revealed just where he found this, but I recently got a sweet Kazuo Umezu figurine toy from him! You don't know which one you'll get til you open the box, but I happily scored the giant bug monster from Drifting Classroom! This piece is on my desk at work and gets weird looks from coworkers. The toy can be joined with the Sho figure to create a scary diorama.
It's detailed, heavy and gross-- and here sitting on the inside front cover of our zine (work-in-progress!)
The box is bright red with a girl's screaming face on it... I guess you can definitely tell what you're getting yourself into.
Umezu (naturally) adorns the side of this box, with his bio, short bibliography and signature.
Other toys in the set include characters from Snake Woman, Orochi, Senrei (Baptism), Akanbou Shojo and others!
According to Ben, this set is one of a few different types available and each is hand-packed by Shintaro Kago himself. They are available at Tokyo's indie/eroguro/weirdness mecca, Taco Che. Thank you Ben for this amazing present!
The packaging features some fantastic Kago art, and incites you to bully assholes at your school!
The kit includes glue to use on your classmates books, thumbtacks to put in their shoes, 'Kick Me'-like signs to put on their backs, and finally...
...what bullying kit would be complete without ear plugs so you can block out the cries of your victims!
both of those gifts are amazing! I'm particularly enamored by the bully kit. If I had had that as a youngter, I might have turned out to be the scary butch jock bully that I know I could always have been. I could wear basketball shorts everyday!
omg! I've been meaning to tell you guys about the Umezu toys, but it's been slipping my mind! Oh well, I guess y'all found out anyways... :D I got mine from Amazon, and I have the Drifting Classroom monster, too. I had another one, but it was broken badly in transit when I moved, sigh. Anyways, congratulations on your latest acquisition! *thumbs up*
I'm curious what the breakdown is between people who purchase the bullying kit for practical use, and those who buy it for novelty.
http://otooto22.com/main.htm have you seen this site? I can't read japanoisey but this sseems cool! I want the shirts so badly! Hope it's new to you!
i want those toys.
@hellen: JUST LIKE DUDLEY in the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX movie! Shiny nylon basketball shorts = bruiser!
@amber: That is awesome! I am actually not really into toys/figurines, but I might buy up a bunch more to try and get some of the other, weirder ones.
@anthony: I didn't use the tacks OR glue on you when you visisted last weekend... what was I thinking? Right now I fall in the novelty group, but I can always graduate into the practical use crew, right?
@danny lava: Oh yeah, the Umezu shirts are amazing! I think we posted something about them a while back... too bad most of them are sold out. I actually... have the 50th anniversary shirt, courtesy of my awesome friend Nate. (He got the shirt last year at Taco Che... that store is the Same Hat fan mecca!)
@bittermelon. I got them right here if you wanna try me. but be warned-- I protect MY TOYS!
Hmmm. A bullying kit? I would have thought Kago would have made a rubber prolapsed anus you could wear as a hat or maybe some crowns made of fake dead fetuses. I guess you can't predict everything.
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