+ Meeting Takashi Miike with Gea!
+ The newest photo-illustrated piece by Evan Hayden, this one inspired by the formal androgyny of Takarazuka theatre posters!
+ Testing out coupons with gCheckout, including a $2.00 off coupon for buying a copy of the zine.
+ Screen-printed psychadelic pizza boxes by Mickey Zacchilli
+ The Covered! meme continues, with Calvin Wong tackling Gen 13 and me talking The Infinity Gauntlet
+ And much more... (check back through the previous pages!)
If you like what you see over there, please leave a comment and say hello!
Oh my god, takashi miike!
@Baka: soooooooooooo jealous!
You are sooooo fortunate!
Miike was here in New York for the recent Comic Convention and the world premiere of his newest film, Yatterman. He also spoke at the Japan Society. I was so bummed that I wasn't able to attend either. So, again, lucky you!
@dr. glick: Yes, I believe Gea met Miike at the Japan Society event, possibly at a meet & greet afterward? I would go to EAZB and check out her post for more details!
I didn't see his new film yet... (T_T)
@Kappei? Miike's new film? Yeah, I haven't either--- Yatterman, right? He was there debuting it at NYCC, I believe. I'm actually way behind on Miike-- haven't seen anything by him since The Great Yokai War
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