SUNDAY - Pistol suicide
MONDAY - The hanging of a sumo
TUESDAY - Mother Nature = WIN
WEDNESDAY - Orthodontics... after the Great Kanto Earthquake
THURSDAY - Poe slashing his wrist
FRIDAY - In vitro fertilization
SATURDAY - Sandwich Shop (SIGNS: Double Decker Sandwich ¥500, Hot Sandwich ¥400, Sandwich ¥300)
check the writing ryan it says shintaro gako at the begining of the text!!
Pistol Suicide is one of the best strips I have ever seen in my life!!
Kago really is a god of bizarre and amazing author that deserves more licenses in the world!!
as always... saludos from argentina to you and ninja evan!!
buena suerte...(it means good luck remember it .D)
@helllllen: It's true, there is a horrible place and dude GOES THERE. And we love him for it?
@Azraelito: Good catch-- fixed that typo. He seems like a really prolific and fast creator; I like these cuz he just gets an idea and whips up the strip really fast (at least, that's my impression).
Saludos from san francisco, my friend!
Shintaro is a genius :O
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