Ax Anthology, Volume 1:
Osamu Kanno: 菅野修「眺める男」(44)12P
Yoshihiro Tatsumi: 辰巳ヨシヒロ「愛の花嫁」(31)22P
Imiri Sakabashira: 逆柱いみり「空の巻き貝」(44)16P
Takao Kawasaki: 川崎タカオ「屋上哀歌」(47)10P
Ayuko Akiyama: 秋山亜由子「瓢箪の中」(31)8P
Shigehiro Okada: オカダシゲヒロ「俺」(45)16P
Katsuo Kawai: 河井克夫「画鋲女」(18)8P
Nishioka Kyodai: 西岡兄妹「心が壊れた」(22)8P
Takato Yamamoto: 山本タカト「闇の方へ」(30)8P
Toranosuke Shimada: 島田虎之介「エンリケ小林のエルドラド」(14)20P
Yuka Goto: 後藤友香「隣人」(22)13P
Mimiyo Tomozawa: 友沢ミミヨ「300ねん」(2)10P
Takashi Nemoto: 根本敬「黒寿司十八番」(1)12P
Yusaku Hanakuma: 花くまゆうさく「息子はイヌ」(12)10P
Namie Fujieda: 藤枝奈己絵「輝く人。」(37)10P
Mitsuhiko Yoshida: 吉田光彦「兎と亀」(40)20P
Kotobuki Shiriagari: しりあがり寿「双子のオヤジ 存在」(2)6P/「神様」(17)6P
Shinbo Minami: 南伸坊「ロボとピュー太」(56)4P/(58)4P
Shinya Komatsu: コマツシンヤ「Mushroom Garden」(52)12P
Einosuke: 英之助「菅原家」(33)6P
Yuichi Kiriyama: 桐山裕市「屍錦」(42)7P
Yunosuke Saito: 齋藤裕之介「アリゾナ」(49)10P
Akino Kondo: こんどうあきの「雨の白シャツ」(40)8P
Tomohiro Koizumi: 古泉智浩「わいわいパーティ3」(56)8P
Shin'ichi Abe: 安部慎一「私」(36)4P/「父」(38)4P
Seiko Erisawa: 衿沢世衣子「さかあがり」(47)4P
Shigeyuki Fukumitsu: 福満しげゆき「おじさんのうた」(20)18P
Kataoka Toyo: 東陽片岡「哀愁劇場」(48)4P/(51)4P
Hideyasu Moto: 本秀康「岡田幸介と50人の息子たち」(2)13P
Keizo Miyanishi: 宮西計三「Les ラスコーリニコフs」(2)10P
Hiroji Tani: 谷弘兒「妖花アルラウネ」(22)10P
Otoya Mitsuhashi: 三橋乙揶「灯明」(9)10P
Kazuichi Hanawa: 花輪和一「六富道」(59)26P
We have a project for hardcore fans that wanna help the group with internet sleuthing... Over on the new Electric Ant Zine Blog (EAZB), my friend Robert Syrett started a post called "AX RESEARCH PROJECT". Rob is a hardcore indie manga fan and collector, and has a dangerous stockpile of Ax back issues; He is also, to my knowledge, the only white boy to ever get a fan letter published in Ax... (Pictures coming soon!).
So yeah, we've started compiling links, artist homepages, and images for all of the Ax mangaka on Sean's list. Ed from MangaCast already did us a solid (ha!) by posting a bunch of covers to books by these artists. If you have some time, please stop by the post and share your knowledge in the comments. Comments are open to all and we'd love to have your help. Per Sean's comment, you can also voice your thoughts on which artists you'd most like to see an excerpt from... HAPPY HUNTING!
Mitsuhiko Yoshida it is incredible!Checking the links you post evan in the other site, it seems that he is fan or a lot influenced by the works of Kazuichi Hanawa and Suehiro Maruo.
Apart from this, what an incredible artist is Mimiyo Tomozawa!I am now just puting links and stuff in the site of ax research!!
as always keep the good work!!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, meaty!
@Azraelito: Thanks for the comment and help on EAZB. Looking forward to having you over there.
@zytroop: That's what SH does... bringing the saucy substance to the bloggersphere :B
@anon: my thoughts exactly
@cyphane: indeeed. also, for example, Nishioka Kyoudai!!!! they are so great
I am so excited about this I don't quite know how to put it into words! I will definitely be spending some time more thoroughly researching the artists that are going to be put into this anthology as soon as I get my Japanese Assessment out of the way!
@jimpac: Awesome, very glad to have you on board! I've been swamped this week, but plan to try and post a few "reports" on an artist each week. I recognize some of the names from reading Ax, and from TacoCHE and Seirinkogeisha's books, but I think a lot of artists will be ones whose art we all recognize but never knew their names or background. Should be exciting!
I have never read anything by Nishioka Kyoudai - what's the style like, if you had to compare it to someone else?
After discovering him on this blog, I got the reissued volume of Hanawa's earlier Ero-Guro works (before his medieval obsession) from the '70s. He is closest to the old ukiyo-e woodcuts, I think. Maybe it's true what they say in "Comics Underground" - Maruo is doubtless influenced by him.
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