I've been updating it today with a few favorite Tokyo bookstores, and thought a contest would be a fun idea in order to grow this sucker quickly!
Announcing the BUILD THE SHGTE contest! The idea is that I want to encourage folks to add stuff to the map this week. Adding an entry takes about 2 minutes, and step-by-step details on doing so are here. It can be anything that other Same Hat readers would be interested in, in any part of the world. Some examples:
+ A custom doll gallery in Akihabara that displays Suehiro Maruo's paintings.
+ Your local manga shop where you buy new books each week.
+ The Kyoto Manga Museum (and the train route to get there from Kyoto Station).
+ A club with a monthly gothic lolita cosplay night in Seoul.
+ The restaurant in Kichijoji where you spotted Demerin out eating soba and playing Gameboy.
The deadline to add entries is 11:59pm PST on Friday (August 14, 2009).
How about these for "prizes"?
Everyone who submits at least one new entry to the SGHTE will get a Junko Mizuno / Last Gasp sticker and some mail from me:
Everyone who submits two (or more) new entries to the SGHTE will be mailed the Junko sticker and a copy of my zine of Japanese self-introductions from when I lived in Saitama. Check it out here:
(Don't you want one??)
The three people that made the most/best additions to the map (left up to my discretion!) will win all the stuff mentioned above (Junko Mizuno sticker, My Seat is Your Behind zine) plus...
After you've made additions to the Same Hat Guide to Everything, please leave your name and a quick list of what you added in the comments. Can't wait to see what everyone posts up on the map! If you have any questions, let me know!
I just added princeton, NJ's store Morning Glory! My fave place. :)
stickers!?? and ZINEs!?!?? will add everything in providence worth knowing about laters
@That Girl: Thanks!!! Glad to have you adding stuff
@Jake: Competition seems thin, the Kago postcards will be all yours it seems
Just added Aquarius Records in San Francisco. I'll actually be out in the Bay Area later this week so maybe I'll find some more cool places. Hope to add more by Friday
Added some Japanese live clubs such as Bears in Osaka and UFO Club. Hopefully I did it right, not sure if I've got the hang of this whole Google Maps thing haha
I decided to be less Tokyo-centric and added a couple of places of interest in Yokohama (where my aunt is based - I know Minatomirai in and out). Might add a few New Zealand-based stores tommorow night, if I can be bothered.
@Yoshio & Travis : Thanks for these great additions. Looking forward to sending you stuff once the contest ends :)
Added MOCA, Asian Art Museum of San Fran, Various Book Offs, Happy Six, and New People, this soon to be opened place in SF Japantown thats 3 stories tall and has a Viz Cinema theater, cafe, boutique store and more. Sorry for the abundance of comments, I just dig Kago too much to pass this opportunity up
There are a lot of places on this list I would like to visit. I wish my mother was an air hostess so I could travel for free.
Here goes my evening, night and part of the early morning... :)
but I managed to add 11 places.
3 in Tokyo (brings back memories...)
8 in Central Europe (Prague, Vienna, Brno, etc.)
Hope this will help somebody. (Dunno, maybe)
I also wanted to add my own flat with my bookshelf, certainly the best collection of Tezuka & Umezu in Central Europe :)
Just added Kinokuniya Costa Mesa, Marukai in Little Tokyo LA, and Popkiller also in the same area.
Will be adding more in the future.
Not sure if my e-mail shows, but it's ijnerb[at]yahoo[dot]com
Great additions everyone! This is awesome, keep up the good work :B
Tried my best to mark some places which would be of interest to a Same Hatter in Austin, Texas.
Thanks for the Austin love, Connor :)
Those introductions are adorable.
I've managed to add my favourite UK comic shop, the Sheffield Space Centre, but, due to serious computer troubles, I've not managed to add a second destination.
Might have to try and add another at work tomorrow (if the systems will allow me) cos I'd really like one of your zines!
This interface is really eating my lunch (and my work box's resources), but I added two places from Pittsburgh. Neither is stellar, sorry, but they're the best I can think of.
@holt :) thanks!
@jimpac: thanks for the adds, you will at least win a sticker/zine :)
@Vlad: Thanks for those, very cool. The map is probably overly-ambitious, but everywhere is helpful!
I'm going through them tomorrow and will post the "winners" and details for getting the prizes to you guys .
i'm super excited to see the map make a big leap forward :)
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