Here are the details, taken from Umezu's blog:
Sunday, September 13: Live onstage event at Kudanshita's Scientific Museum's SCIENCE HALL, featuring dancing, an interview with Kazuo Umezu, limited edition commemorative goodies, photographs, figurines and rare works exhibit, and signing opportunities.
Doors at 3PM, Event starts at 4PM. For more details go here.
Ticket: Advance 3800 Yen, 4300 Yen at the door.
Sunday, September 23: Umezu's inaugural rock 'n' roll live concert, featuring his new band performing songs. This event is held at STAR PINE'S in Umezu's Kichijoji neighborhood. Check this YouTube video for a message from the master:
Doors at 3PM, Event starts at 4PM. For more details go here.
Ticket: Advance 3800 Yen + one drink minimum.
If the description wasn't enough to get everyone psyched/jealous, here's photo recap from a previous Umezz Carnival I posted last year. So... anyone over in Japan going to attend this thing? Do you want to write a field report for Same Hat?
Alas, alas, if one had money...
Actually, here seems a pertinent place to note a little bit of Umezu trivia I picked up recently ... did you known they turned Drifting Classroom into a J-drama called 'The Long Love Letter'? In a way, there's a certain Umezu-like insanity in the notion of turning the plot of a shojo horror comic into a weepy melodrama for middle-aged housewives. Anyhow, anyone willing can watch it here: . I really don't have the enthusiasm, to be honest...
(Got the zine a few days ago, by the way. Loved it - what I appreciated was not the mangling of English but the earnestness they all seemed to have. Did they live up to their introductions?)
aw man what I wouldn't give to be able to go to this
so sad i'm missing out D;
This may be old news in your parts, but Drifting Classroom was also recently remade as a late night drama called Drifting Net Cafe. I was going to sub it, but I found it here instead:
Kids running around screaming.
Kids running around screaming.
Kids running around screaming.
Kids running around screaming.
Kids running around screaming.
Umezu's secret manga formula.
: )
@Travis, @VoidMare:
Man, I never heard about this news at all. We've got two competing names here, but it sounds like the same show. How mental.
Travis: glad the books arrived safely. Those kids were all cool, we didn't get to hang out outside of class though.
@Jaclyn: I know, right??? I will make it someday
You unlocked the secret formula!
They are actually 2 different shows! The Long Love Letter was made 6 years ago, and Drifting Net Cafe is on the air currently. I haven't seen LLL, but DNC is based on a newer manga which is based on Drifting Classroom. It is entertaining enough, but I really can't stand the main actor, Atsushi Itō.
@voidmare: okay, you confused me. But now I get it...! It's been not too hard to follow manga/film from over here in the States but tv dramas are a bit over my head. The last one I watched regularly was "Boku dake no Madonna... but I love her!" back in 2003 :)
Thanks for all the info. Maybe I'll try to stream DNC sometime this month on one of those sites (tudou, etc)
I'm surprized you haven't picked up on this game yet. Their advertizing has some awesome Kazuo Umezu inspired comics and animation.
I was going to email you but I couldn't find one.
Thanks dude, checking it out now! It looks like the art is by Hideshi Hino in that flash animation. They changed the name to Escape from Bug Island for English audiences?
My email is on the upper-left of the page: samehat @
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