Wednesday, August 26, 2009


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It's been a bit of a photo bonanza on Same Hat lately, hope that's been alright for folks (My apologies if you're reading the blog on a slow connection!). As I'd hoped, San Francisco's new NEW PEOPLE complex is a goldmine of blog posts for Same Hat :)

While bumming around at the Junko Mizuno signing last weekend, I noticed that many of the Yuichi Yokoyama manga for sale at NEW PEOPLE are signed by the artist himself, and feature original sketches. Naturally, each one is different since Yokoyama is an abstraction machine. Check out these signs from various copies of Travel, Niwa, and Outdoor:

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m.h. said...

very cool. wasn't picturebox going to be localizing "garden" at some point? i hope that happens sooner rather than later.

also, i wish "painting" were still available somewhere. it appears i missed that boat.

Ryan S said...

@Matt: Good question, I think I heard that PictureBox was gonna do Niwa/Garden in English... It's not on Amazon yet, but we'll see. Maybe a PB dude can chime in if they see this?

jimpac said...

Damn, those are so cool. I wish that I lived in San Fran or that New People had an online shop with international shipping!

icursetheday said...

i've been planning on going to sf for some time now and i'm going to make it a point to hit up new people when i finally do go. thank god for samehat