Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Happy New Year, 2010!

I'm back from another overly-long break and anxious to get going with posts. I spent the last 3 weeks swamped with work at the day job, then traveling to the Midwest to see extended family. More recently, I've had a few weeks to hang out with my GF, watch movies, play Call of Duty (gamertag: "hell of mirrors") and be lazy.

[By the way, I have a New Years Resolution for 2010 to send mail every single day the post office is open, so if you wanna be pen pals, mail me your address to samehatATgmailDOTcom!]

Time to get back to business here on Same Hat. To start what I plan to be a long run of new content, I've posted our friend Shintaro Kago's new batch of daily comic strips! This bunch is more cerebral, but creepy and goofy like you'd expect. Please enjoy these quick translations by me :)

1 - The truth behind Usui Yoshito's passing

2 - Boob-covering Prevention Function

3 - Stone Age LASIK surgery

4 - New condom technique

PS: Kago updated his overseas mail order page, with new B&W original illustrations and now... TOYS!


DemiPoulpe said...

Oh ! I wish i am fast enough to catch one of those crazy draws !

Ryan S said...

@DemiPoulpe: Some of these new pieces are a steal, at only $50-70! I'm excited mostly for Kago to begin selling his doujinshi (which are often only 3 or 4 bucks) directly via mail order.

good luck!

Root said...

Oh dude... Am I a bad person for seriously lolling at the Usui Yoshito one?

Anonymous said...

@Root: You are a bad person, but I forgive you. I snorted and chuckled too (horrible, i know)

Brent said...

The comic images don't load for me, sadly.

Anonymous said...

@Brent: Damn, Kago already took down that batch of gags. I should have saved and hosted them instead of just linking to them :( Sorry dude!

In other news though, I'll be posting the new batch in an hour!