Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I've got more "Early Manga Days" essays and report from my Tokyo trip coming soon, I promise. In the meantime, Shintaro Kago has posted another lovely 7-panel wordless gag manga by Shintaro Kago. This was taken from the Daily Manga page of his site:

Kago also posted another 12 originals on his drawings for sale page as well; these are pricier, actual comic pages that are a bit more extreme and gnarly, for the discerning fan. Check 'em out-- if you dare!


Unknown said...

...simply...remember the wise words?
"Human body itself is just a useful tool for many purposes"
(Sir Robert Baden-Powell)
Seems Shintaro Kago is ingenious boy scout...(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)
Btw. Why sometimes by someone Shintaro Kago is called Kitaro?

Ryan S said...

@David: Kago is sorta a mad genius. I haven't ever seen anyone refer to him as "Kitaro"-- -where did you see that?

Unknown said...

I read this somewhere on another forum about a year ago but the forum is deleted...
My friend means perhaps someone thought about the werid manga character Kitaro- Yoaki.
Yes. Kago is really a mad genius...What I remember me I was doing such drawings but in far lower quality(^_^) when I was 13-14...when I got bored in school and there was some empty place in excercise book(^_^)I have never dreamed about going with that to such a perfection...

Azraelito said...

jajajajja it is very cool. Apart from that Ryan I send you an email to samehat@gmail.com. Check the mail that comes for azraelinio@hotmail.com, the one that comes for gmail not!I dont use it too much the one of gmail, but the other yes. I hope you like the mail, is in bad english but it has something interesting!


Unknown said...

After my friend was unable to find the "Kitaro" refference for Shintaro (He is very bad in english and needed me to ask there for that matter)we had a long discussion. Who of us is more sick, if me with Junji Ito or him with his "lovesickness" to Kago and similar guro manga. Then came another friend. A big fan of Tezuka´s Astroboy. As big fan he as hinduist is thinking the character is shonen manga manifestation of some of their Gods. And despite I share with him a piece of the devotion to the Astroboy told both us "sick rapists". But my friend lovesick to Kago told him "Try to imagine your Astroboy "God" and his enemies just not to be mecha...and You´re JUST sick as me now..."(^_^)

Ryan S said...

@Azraelito: Yep, I got your email (twice!). Am gonna write you back this afternoon! :)

icinori said...

Really really impressive, thanks for this digging !

andy greenaway said...

I love the madness of his stuff. It's as if it's from another planet.
