Just an FYI, we have set up a Livejournal syndication of Same Hat! About 3 of you are already hip to this (Viv, Michelle), and we're all for more of you adding this to your friends' page. Then, you'll get notified when we have new shit on the site for you to check out, and you can come straight to our latest posts.
Here is the link to add SAME HAT! to your Livejournal
Thanks! Evan is heading back to the midwest for a much-needed vacation, but we'll be posting the latest in weird, underground, japanese manga HI-LAR-ITY for you. Keep checking back!
Thanks to the great Asian extreme cinema resource Snowblood Apple for the Ito images!
Yessss! Yay for the livejournal syndication.
Hey, just discovered your blog while looking for Yoshida Sensha stuff. Saw a comic of his in an old magazine and googled him. Oh yeah, Junji Ito is great!
whisperdryad: glad you dig it! we really appreciate you coming back to the site, and since evan and i both use LJ, we thought we'd make it easier to be alerted of updates. Looks like we've now got 9 subscribers total :)
anonymous: thanks for checking out the site. if you're looking for yoshida sensha in english, you've pretty much come to the one-stop emporium of all things SENSHA. check out the archives when you have a chance-- i believe we have done something like 25 sensha strips so far, and more on the way.
We have some junji ito stories that i'm working on translating right now-- they're a bit tougher than the short strips, but really satisfying. very similar to FLESH-COLORED HORROR, which is probably my favorite of his stuff out in english. Please keep checking back on this site, and tell yr (cool) friends too!
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