Enjoy the second half of this creepy story. Hats off again to Evan for a bang-up job on all the technical details and touch-up. Please leave comments below -- we'd love to hear what you think!
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PS: We've already started on our next scanlation: a 19 page comedy story by YOSHIDA SENSHA!! ...going back to our gag roots!
Thanks for this!
Thank you so much Ryan and Evan!
Nice story; very typical Ito: a fey female protagonist undergoing transformation; a concerned male partner seeing all this but helpless to do anything; the violent irrationality of the herd; an ending that does not attempt at resolution of anykind, but heart-rending all the same.
Just curious: is the heroine really called Erika in the original?
P.S. Miss your Sensha shorts :D
Awesome awesome awesome.
miultimodia: Glad you liked it!
anonymous people: THANKS!
misanthrope: we miss the sensha stuff too-- that's why we're heading back to him (short story, not 4panel gags but still...) for our next comic!
[shhhhh! we may also be doing some untranslated "heartbroken angels" strips this summer too ]
ps: misanthrope; yes, the name is ERIKA and not a totally uncommon name. 'e-ri-ka' like 'e-ri-ko' but slightly westernized: エリカ
Oh shit (totally trashy cultural reference coming up) -
they were in the EVENT HORIZON!
great great job on the story. thanks for your hard work!
OH GOD... What if that IS what they faced? Flew up and bloody Pinhead-meets-Sam-Neill was up there? and he tried to skin you alive??
i'd fling myself back down too... SHIT!
ps: glad that you enjoyed teh scanlation!
Ito Junji RULES
thank you for all your work, guys!
adamu: oh yess he does
bryan: glad you liked it :) We always like to hear from you!
thank you! i'd love to see more junji ito works :D
Yes--- more Junji hopefully down the line. Right now we're gonna do a Yoshida Sensha, hopefully some Masahiko Kikuni and then... Uncle Maruo? Perhaps another junji story after that :)
You've done an excellent job, thanks for read.
Junji Ito is my favorite mangaka and I love this story (like all Ito's work). Thank you for translating it! ^^
thanks for taking the time to translate this; Ito is very talented. (incidentally, on the last page, you have "site" where i think you probably mean "sight"). wondering why you didn't reverse the panels left-to-right, to make the speech balloon order western, also.
Great! Please translate more of Ito's short stories.
I'd be especially happy if you could translate the one with the black fluffballs, which I've only seen translated to Korean.
anonymous: Thanks for the comments. You're right-- they're close but it is 'Sight' instead of 'site'-- we'll fix it sometime soon :) We decided early on to keep things in the japanese right-to-left format, because we feel that 1) people are getting very used to this way of reading manga and it's not TOO hard to accustom your brain to it and 2) Though it's just flipping the images, you're messing with the original intention and art of the creator and that's a bad thing to do. Subtle details, like left-handedness or placement of objects in scenes get mixed up, and it's not worth making those changes to the composition of the comics just for western audiences. we think comics fans should adapt to the creator's work, but the other way around :) Thanks for the feedback and please keep checking out the site :)
martin: Thanks for the kind words! We're working on more stories, but are probably taking a little break with Junji Ito-- Dark Horse is putting out his entire "Museum of Terror" collection, which includes tons and tons of really incredibly short stories-- and they're doing an excellent job so far; Just got Volume 2 yesterday!!
aino: thanks for the comment :) We'll get this thing up and running again soon, with more posts and content
Ryan: Ok. Do the first two volumes contain anything else than Tomie stories? Because I'm not interested in those.
hey martin--- the first two volumes ARE tomie stories only--- however, book two contains new(er) tomie stories that junji ito did in 99 and 2000, and have never been available in English before. Starting with Volume 3, Museum of Terror is all short stories, like the ones you mentioned, falling, flesh-colored horror, etc etc.. Should be GREAT!
Thank you! I'm looking forward to volume 3!
Martin: Yes, me too!
i'm gonna write a post about Museum of Terror 1 & 2 (and the rest of the series) in a day or two :)
This is great! Thanks!
This short story is so wildy lovecraftian! Ithaqua appeal all over it. Thank you so much.
Junji Ito, FUCK YEAH
Hi Guys!
THANK YOU for translating and posting this...wow, what a labor of love! I know there are a lot of Junji Ito works that have not yet made it into english so plz keep up the good work!
Thank you for translating this! You did a great job :)
Thanks for taking the time to translate. This story was GREAT!!!!!
404 ; 3 ;
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