Saturday, June 10, 2006

Horror Make-up!

We'll be posting Junji Ito's Falling PART 2 this week!

Thanks for the great response so far! We're just putting the final touches on the last few pages, and will post it in the next few days. Keep the comments coming, and let us know what you think! In the meantime, here are three quick things to mention:

  • + How-to do Horror Make-Up! We found this link on Daily Portal Z via the awesome Mari Diary and wanted to share it. There's a complete tutorial on applying Horror Manga make-up, and then her adventures out on the town .

    The inspiration for the make-up (SO Kazuo Umezu!)

    The make-up (in-progress)

    Voila! Everything is SCARIER now!

    Check out the links above for more pics!

  • + We want to give a big plug/thanks to Japundit for featuring us in their weekly podcast (We get namedropped in episode 26). We are big fans of their blog, which provides daily news/links on an always amusing flow of crazy happenings in Japan. If you haven't already, I'd recommend adding them to your daily blog roll!

  • + A quick reminder - LiveJournal syndication available! If you'd like to get notifications of new posts via LJ, you can click this link to add our syndication to your friends' page. We can also be taken in via RSS feed, with this link. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

OH my god!!! They have every onigiri stocked!!!


...hilarious, haha. ^^

Ryan said...

thanks-- we really dug this one too :))))

ps: tomorrow is the day for FALLING: conclusion!!!