Here is a profile of Suehiro Maruo from a Beat Takeshi variety show (Takeshi no daredemo PIKAN), which features great footage of his work and studio, a shot of him as a sorta-goth teenager, commentary by a horror author that Maruo did book covers for AND... an in-person interview talking about his paintings! Fucking fantastic stuff here:
Same Hat's cerebral godfather, at work in his studio.
Goth Suehiro Maruo was born in 1956 in Nagasaki Prefecture.
Hot lady paintings.
Mr. Maruo in studio being introduced.
Beat Takeshi looks mortified.
Great Video. Found it also some weeks ago.
"sorta" goth? i believe you mean "super" goth. he is sporting a fake scar through his eye!
@anonymous: okay okay, YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR!
one of the best mangakas ever!!I have a lot of books in spanish of him!!I really love his work!!
the footage is incredible!!
what a pity that in the states,there is only the story of comics underground japan and ultra gash inferno!!
he deserves mucho more!!
saludos from argentina!!!
ps: did anyone read doctor inugami??really one of the best things that must be compared with midor,his storytelling there is amazing!!!
@azraelito: yes, he's definitely more popular in Germany, France & Italy, in terms of books released. You are lucky to have Glenat.
For English, in addition to the ones you mentioned, there is also the book, Mr. Arashi's Freak Show (Midori, the Camellia Girl, in other language editions), although I strongly doubt that it'll be the last we've seen of him in English...
I like Dr. Inugami-- read some of the book in Japanese a while back but still haven't finished it!
thank you so much for posting this...what a great shot of him, being a super goth kid!
Great, the "hot lady painting" is in my collection...
@miss nas: I know, right?
@le lezard: Wait, the ORIGINAL painting? really?!
yes i have a few originals here i exhibited some months ago in my town...
oooh, very interesting. I guess I hadn't realized that those were from your own personal collection. Very, very cool!
though this one was not exhibited as it was in a llibrary with children...
i'll try to get your magazine
great clip - but, oh dear, the contrived "spontaneity" of japanese tv is really painful
Maruo sensei being nearly as shy as you I wonder how Trevor would feel on a japanese tv programm
I can't thank you enough for posting this. This is wonderful.
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