Monday, May 04, 2009


Drop what you're doing and check out these two fantastic videos, shared courtesy of Dash Shaw.

These two clips make up a 13 minutes adaptation of Yoshiharu Tsuge's landmark manga story, ねじ式 (Nejishiki, "Screw-Style"). Screw-Style appeared in English in The Comics Journal #250, (and some of his shorts were in Raw) but the majority of Tsuge's work is still yet to be published for English audiences. I'm not sure on the year of this animation, but the story was originally published in Garo's June 1968 issue. Please enjoy!

ねじ式 ①:

ねじ式 ②:

Many thanks for the links, Dash!


Eoin Marron said...

Wow, amazing find Dash! I thought Teruo Ishii's live-action film was the only adaptation of Nejishiki...

It looks like this adaptation was animated by one person, judging by the limited animation and use of photography. I wonder how Tsuge felt about it, if it is an official adaptation (and IMO, it doesn't seem like one)

Also, did anyone else spot Astro Boy zooming past on the train? That made me laugh...

jimpac said...

I noticed Astro Boy's little cameo, too... pretty funny.
I really enjoyed this, I'd love to know more about it. I tried googling to see if I could dig up any information but, unsurprisingly, I couldn't find anything.

divorce said...

YES! same hat you are on such a roll this past month.

Ryan S said...

@Eoin: Thanks for the comment. That's interesting you think it's not an official adaptation... I was thinking that if it was done by a friend of his in the late 60s or early 70s, it wouldn't be too fancy. I really liked the opening titles :)

@jimpac: Yeah, I didn't see anything, tried searching the name of the "production" from the titles but nothing. I'll ask Ed from MangaCast if he knows anything more?

@divorce: Thanks, dude! It's been a good month for indie manga.

cemenTIMental said...

Amazing find, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was shown this in one of my classes at SVA and have ever since looked for it on youtube and other places never to find it. I found the live-action version of it but man, very cool to see this again. Thanks!! As always you guys are excellent.


Ryan S said...

@pedro: Thanks for the comments! All the thanks for this one go to my friend Dash for tracking these down and sending them our way.

We aim to please :)