Sunday, October 04, 2009


I've been a little sparse on Same Hat lately, and for that I apologize. But I haven't been sitting on my thumbs doing nothing... I've been working on the second issue of my zine, Electric Ant!

The giant second issue (EXQUISITE CORPSES) is now at the printers, and will debut at Alternative Press Expo in two weeks! Here's the cover for this issue, painted by the always radical Hellen Jo:

You can check out the full details of Issue 2 and the contributors on the updated zine website! It features a science fiction futurism comic, a long feature on the Takarazuka Revue (with an interview with an American actress that studied backstage at the theatre), a body horror jam comic with 18 indie cartoonists, articles about transsexual bars in Shinjuku, dominatrix training, gay german horror films, drawing games, Tokyo photography, and much more! It's 136 pages, $12.

I'll post again when the book goes on sale on 10/17/09. You guys were super awesome supporters of the first issue, and I hope you dig this one as well!

More SAME HAT action coming tonight,

PS: I wanted to say a major thank you to the guys at Tokyo Scum Brigade for holding down the fort this month with their awesome Umezz Carnival coverage. You guys are awesome!


voidmare said...

The pleasure was all ours. I can't wait to get a copy of this! That cover is sick.

Ryan S said...

If there are any features that folks want to see a preview of, lemme know!

I'm planning a few previews here and on the zine blog next weekend and leading up to APE.

Check out the Table of Contents and let me know what you want to see first!

hon said...

The cover looks amazing! I might cut it out and frame it.

Joseph Luster said...

Though I mentioned it on Twitter, I'm going to emphatically restate my demand for DESE BLOODY MOMENTS. Also, yes, the cover kills.

Ryan S said...

@hon: Thanks Hon! It is amazing, isn't it? I'll take some photos of the original and post it on EAZB

@Joseph: Your demands have been heard! I'll be posting some BLOODY MOMENTS this weekend for your pleasure!

alexmercado said...

jeez that's an amazing cover, guys.
any more circulation news for the mag in the greater NY area??

Ryan S said...

@alex: good question! I am hoping forbidden planet will carry copies this time again, plus i'll try to get copies in Desert Island and Rocketship. The Giant Robot NYC shop should have a a handful!

Plus, you can always buy direct from me and we can work out shipping :)

Glad you like the cover, hellen is amazing!