Evan and I will be tabling this weekend at the Alternative Press Expo (APE) in San Francisco. The Expo runs from 11-7 on Saturday, 11-6 on Sunday. Our group willl be selling wares again this year under the moniker THE BANG GANG, with our buddies Hellen, Derek, Anthony and Jake.
For APE07, we've spent the past week putting together a booklet that I think is really fucking rad (IMHO). In addition to having some copies of our original webcomic, The Bible, we've compiled every scanlation to date into a 120 page book, along with other goodies sprinkled throughout the pages. We're planning to basically give them away for a few bucks, trade or even if you come up and say you like our site (Yes, we're doing this as a major loss, but the occasional buck or so should cover part of printing costs). Take a look at the cover and its inspiration:
I'm leaving work to print up 25 copies in a few hours (yep, that's the scale of distribution we're talking here), and we hope to make some available after APE via the blog. Leave a comment if you're interested so we have a general sense of how many additional copies to print up :)
Also, Evan is selling some of his art, in snazzy neon frames:
APE weekend is always a crazy whirlwind of sleep deprivation, but we're especially looking forward to seeing Jason Shiga, Jason Thompson, Julia of Fart Party, PressPop (the publisher of AX), visiting the Last Gasp offices, Gene Yang, our GR pal Michelle, Vale from Re/Search, and others. If you're gonna be there, please stop by booth 247 and visit us!
I'm gonna be taking photos/videos and will post a proper APE RECAP next week.
I would like a copy!
I wouldn't mind a copy of that myself
ohh I would love a copy. I wish I had planned a trip to APE this year...I never been. I attended SPX last year, and being in new york, I always go to MOCCA...i just love these small(er) press conventions. next year I will try to book a trip to APE.
But yea. I would really enjoy a copy. (once I get my three comics printed for Mocca, I planned to send them over to you guys).
I also would love to get a copy aswell.
I would be all over that like white on rice. Count me the hell in!
I'd love to pick up a copy of that booklet. Thanks in advance for making them available through the blog!
APE sounds awesome. Sucks that I'm not in the country, or even that side of the continent.
I'd definitely be interested in a copy.
Definitely interested in a copy if you guys do make it available online :)!!!!!
I'm definitely gonna want a copy, awesome cover!
Include me in! It looks like an instant classic!
I want one! Two even!
yeaaah. definitely gonna need one of those!
good lord i want one so bad
I want a copy! You guys are the bees' knees!
I'd like one! Can you ship one down to L.A.?
Oh yeah! Let me know what I need to do to get a copy...
Hi Ryan,
what r u up to? haven't talked to you for so looooooong...since 2003?
anyway i'm glad to retrieve you in facebook.
welcome to my blog:)
i'm looking forward to talking to you again.
I would like to get a few copies actually, I'm sure I know some people that would definitely enjoy it.
WHOA! Thanks so much for the support and interest. We're going to whip up a 'second printing' of the booklet in the next week or so, and get in touch with all of you :)
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