Monday, March 02, 2009


It was WonderCon weekend in San Francisco, and despite skipping the con itself, I had a supremely comics-heavy weekend. On Friday, I went with my buddy Anthony and saw the Watchmen exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum. I stood by like a nerd as he met Dave Gibbons, which he blogged on the EAZB.

Saturday night was an unexpected Viz party, and kicking it with another manga buddy, 20th Century Boyz editor Kit. But the real kicker and outing that put Same Hat anniversary weekend over the top for me was... Brunch with the master of manga, Frederik Schodt!

Fred & me talking shop - Pic by Jenn

PS: Viz misspelled Fred's name on the credits page for Pluto Vol 1, WTF.


Firefly said...

Lord you're cute. Married yet? If so, willing to pick up a second wife, one who spends her time making creepy experimental comics? I'm six feet tall, so you'll never have to worry about break-ins or muggings again. And if that's not enough, I'll buy a shotgun.

Schodt looks so distinguished! He's the man.

Ryan S said...

@Firefly: Aw shucks, thanks for the compliment. I'm all set on wifeys for now :)

Fred is a real gentleman and scholar, you couldn't ask for a cooler guy!

Puroshuesos said...

gran blog, brother, i from mexico and i life in argentina, beatiful you blog, te invito a visitar el mío, en el que pienso subir-si me lo permites-algunas de tus traducciones al ingles de ese chingón dibujante japones...

Azraelito said...

I am looking foward to the reprint of the legendary book of manga manga manga the world of japanese comics!!

I have dreamland japan and it is brilliant!being a book of before the era of internet, It has a lot of info that it really makes you think why it is so worth that book!!

I read some things of manga manga the world of japanese comics, because a friend borrowed me and I only have to say that it has an article of Masami Fukushima wowwwwwwww..
I think fred really open a big gate with that book and has an incredible power all over the world just because of the book that make an introduction of mangas!!

saludos from argentina...

Ryan S said...

@Puroshuesos: Hey man, thanks for reading. I'm super happy to have another reader from down south.

My understanding is that dudes in Argentina LOVE samehat , verdad?

@Azraelito: Oh, are they reprinting Manga! Manga! ? Both of those books by Fred (and his latest, The Astro Boy Essays) are really invaluable for anyone series about manga and its history.

If you are looking for a used copy of Manga! Manga! I can probably find one here at one of the used book shops (I've seen copies here and there) and get it to you... just let me know, dude.

My old ass copy of Manga! Manga! that I bought in 1996 is signed by Fred. :)