As said, I have a small packet of these and want to share them with you guys. How about this: the first 10 people who comment with evidence of making a blog post / tweeting / adding a permalink to your site / putting up a forum post about Same Hat get two stickers in the mail.
Yes, this is shameless self-promotion... but it's FREE STICKERS, dudez. After posting in the comments, can the the first 10 folks shoot me their address at samehat[at]gmail[dot]com? THANKS!
UPDATE! All 10 sticker packs are gone! I'll post again in the future when I get another stack from Last Gasp and have more available. Thanks!
PS: Later on I'll get my hands on more and figure out another way to pass them out... Definitely will have them at TCAF and SPX!
same hat has been the worthwhile links on my blog since first made it I made it.
My twitter gives you 139 characters of pure ♥!
i posted this a while ago. hope it still counts.
@adam, amber, stereostations:
works for me! Thanks a lot guys, you are #1, 2, & #3. 7 more to go.
Send me your addresses when you get a chance. -ryan!
From a while ago, but it's the first thing I thought of. I'm the guy from Los Angeles, if that's not clear.
I wants it:
I posted a comment @
Cheers! Keep up the good work!
I made a post on my quiet blog recently:
No one reads it though! Does that matter?
Not here for the stickers (though they ARE cool) but to say that there's no such thing as shameless-self promotion! In love, war (and a few other things) everything goes, no?
@kouros: Awesome, thanks!
you're #4
@Anthony: sweeeeet, thanks for sending the tech folks my way!
you're #5
@Jos: thanks for the tweet!
you're #6
@Pita: I like it (and Kiiiiiii too) Let me know if you need help getting ahold of a copy of TZ in NZ.
you're #7
@RosenRed: Most definitely! I don't ever feel that bad about it, in truth :) haha
Word. Same Hat has been in my blog links since day one! ( Don't know if that is good enough to get me some stickers! I did post about Electric Ant a while back, though, and have been planning on writing something about Tokyo Zombie (which I will do tonight!)
ps. is that a copy of 20th Century Boys volume 2 in the photo? Didn't even know that was out yet!
@jimpac: Dude, of course that counts. Send me your address and I'll hook you up.
you're #8
Good catch, that is a stack with Pluto 2 and 20th Century Boys #2-- the latter which is not out yet; I got that copy from my buddy Kit (the editor) the day it arrived from the printers :B
I refuse to be 15th... and we've only just begun:( Jesa can't have stickers?
Ah crap, I think I'm eleventh.
Just in case though...
I've linked to SAME HAT news and articles on my blog several times, and I've permalinked here since I started the blog. :P
*crosses fingers*
OH CRAP I forgot to link to my blog lol;
@jesa: thanks!
you are #9
@EOIN: nope, you just made it!
you are #10
thanks guys! send me your addresses if you haven't already
Nice to see a fellow New Zealander on the Same Hat blog, Pita - if you're looking to get Tokyo Zombie here, might be worth a shot - ... I get all my Tokypop and Viz manga from them, so I assume he could get books from Last Gasp as well. It's the cheapest means of getting manga in New Zealand - unless you want to support to your local comic store... (I avoid the local Wellington store as it veers too close to certain cliches about such shops)
Whoa, I just got it in the mail. Awesome stickers, and the envelope itself is a god damn work of art. I actually had to get a letter opener because I couldn't bear to destroy any of it. Thanks so much.
@kouros: Oh nice, glad it made it to you... that was fast. I went a little wild with the envelopes, wanted to make it a little special :)
hope the stickers treat you well!
got mine today too. thanks again!
@Stereo Stations: Oh cool, that was fast!
Ryan, thank you *so* much for the stickers! It's the first bit of personal mail I've received since my last bill. I loved the envelope- I hated opening it:(
@Jesa: Awesome! Glad you enjoyed the mail :)
Just got the stickers today! Thanksss. The whole package is quite special.
Thanks also for the comments Ryan and Travis. Unfortunately my current money situation leaves a lot to be desired, so buying comics at the moment is pretty much out of the question. Should things change, Tokyo Zombie is certainly on my must-buy list.
@Pita: Glad the stickers arrived down there in NZ! :)
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